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The BTLS Show
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Orlando Mega Con.
Scotty Ferrell on the show today.
Tampa Theatre invite.
Bubba goes on boat with Frabreezie, doesn’t film girls like a creep, just photographs them very creepily.
Elder Ford.
TechTronics Lights are the coolest stuff ever.
MegaCon Tampa.
Someone sent in Fran’s old youtube videos.
Bubba plays old Fran videos.
Fran reverses the heat, asks to hear Fortys and Blunts.
Bubba plays old Manson Led Zepplin song.
Bubba calls the Woodsman.
Bubba talks being on the boat with Fabreezie and filming girls.
Bubba plays viral videos.
Bubba talks a giant bird coming on the boat.
Bubba talks plane crash in Philly, talks John Morgan.
Megacon Orlando.
Bubba plays video of Dunedin Causeway masturbator.
Woman hit with hockey puck at Lightning game.
App plays sex beats for you to listen to and measures the bed moving.
We go thru pictures of Bubba for eHarmony.
Top 5 Countdown Pop.
For Hims.
Scotty Ferrall on the phone talking NHL playoffs.
Corey Feldman is seen out in LA, says he is worried about his safety.
Woodsman calls in.
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