Month: August 2008

16 Results / Page 2 of 2


Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 MSNBC showed a “baby fighting” video… Packers fans should wear Favre Jets jerseys to the Packers opening game… Caller – (Blind Lawrence) today is Robin’s birthday…Lawrence talks about some Howard Stern Show history including Howard’s fight with Mancow… Blind Lawrence won’t watch the Olympics (probably because he’s fucking blind)… Audio – woman confesses to murder on Tom Leykis show… Bubba is disgusted by the blond newscaster […]

today08/08/2008 57

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bret Favre traded to the Jets… Do Brent or Bubba ever yearn for strange pussy?...Bubba claims he has not time for the pussy he already has… Bubba is pissed that the director from the American Teen movie is making it difficult to get her on the show…Bubba tells Spice to tell her to go fuck herself and her PR firm… Janie calls in…she says the director […]

today08/07/2008 56

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Brent marks out to CSN “Southern Cross” song and asks Bubba to let it ride... Bubba and Manson got their his and his massages today… Bubba is disgusted by how the Packers have handled Favre recently… News – naked man fondles himself while following a garbage truck… Caller – when will Bubba come to Huntsville with Tyler?...Bubba plans on bringing Tyler to the “Cotton Classic” with […]

today08/06/2008 91

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Manson broke down and took a crap at the building today…what is his shit like?... Bubba had mirrors and Fat Head decals put up at the Clem Gym today… Caller – Favre is not at practice today, he’s meeting with Ted Thompson… Bubba doesn’t understand why the Packer’s are screwing around with Favre… Caller – a furniture store is ripping off Bubbaisms in their advertisements… Caller […]

today08/05/2008 39

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Ned went to the hospital this weekend for high blood pressure issues… Caller – talk about the Steve Smith fight (Carolina Panthers)… Caller – Did Heather race this weekend?...How did Tyler’s race go?... Caller – why doesn’t 75 Chrome Shop have much Bubba stuff anymore?...(talks like an auctioneer) News – Wrongful death suit against Nancy Grace (CNN) will not be dismissed… Hogan divorce depositions began today, […]

today08/04/2008 53

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Heather may race in a “powder puff” race at East Bay… Tom the Tree Man got the shit beat out of him earlier while mud wrestling today by two 2001 girls... The girls head into the shower to wash Tom off after the beating…and beat him some more while In the shower… caller – his company is sponsoring “Swingfest”… Obama gets heckled by a few members […]

today08/01/2008 48

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