Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
MSNBC showed a “baby fighting” video…
Packers fans should wear Favre Jets jerseys to the Packers opening game…
Caller – (Blind Lawrence) today is Robin’s birthday…Lawrence talks about some Howard Stern
Show history including Howard’s fight with Mancow…
Blind Lawrence won’t watch the Olympics (probably because he’s fucking blind)…
Audio – woman confesses to murder on Tom Leykis show…
Bubba is disgusted by the blond newscaster on MSNBC…
Caller – marks out the recent Hogan interviews…
Bubba wants Spice to do Bubbapalooza shirtless…but he says that Spice has no leg development…
Spice challenges everyone to a calf competition…
Bubba seems to have the most muscular calf…Spice thinks Bubba’s muscle is just “hard fat”…
Caller – recommends a website for buying a race hauler…(
The guys have a system to determine when to dump something inappropriate…
Play Ned’s “Mr. Rodgers” bit…
Bubba plans on trying to fuck his wife tonight, but he has a really hectic schedule…
Spice mentions he has a lunch date with a really hot Polish chick…
Bubba grills Spice about some of his recent “dates”…
Spice swears on his hookah that he never screwed “941”…Are Polish people really stupid?…
Bubba checks out a picture of Spice’s Polish date…she fits Spice’s usual template…
Listener email – loved hearing Brian Brown on the air…

Highlights from segment 2
Bubba reads the results to the Knoxville Nationals…
Talk about guys that race for a living and are offended by NASCAR…
Bubba tries to call Brian Brown…
Email – Enjoys Opie and Anthony but won’t listen now that they called Janie a cunt…
Email – Bubba Army fan Scotland (in Lords of Bastard rock band)…
Caller – (Greg from LA) sent Obama shirts to the guys…saw Aubrey Huff at Angels game…
Caller – will the guys go out after Cleveland Bubbapalooza?…would Bubba have a hard time
letting Tyler race on a track with a down syndrome child?…
Caller – sells radio ads for a station outside of Harrisburg…(talk about radio guy Bruce Bond)…
Talk about the state of radio in Harrisburg (Coffee and Warner, Nipsy)…
Caller – claims that Brian Brown told him that “he doesn’t talk to Bubba”…
Caller – will Bubba take over when Howard retires from radio?…
Play Manson’s “McCain’s Too Fucking Old For Me” song…
Caller – (Ron) shares a story about a girl he dated with fucked up hair…he claims he took her to
his house spanked her and gave her some ass to mouth…then she gave him a fake address…
turns out she’s married, and he tells really shitty stories…

Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Cavemen” call…
Bubba checks out a questionable picture of Spice with Aubrey Huff grabbing his cock…
Spice is beating Bubba in the online “calf off”…Bubba blames it on Big Dick’s photographic
inabilities…Bubba demands a calf reshoot…
Caller – wife let him have a threesome with her and her friend…
Caller – wants to call his wrestling team the “Bubba Army”…
Bubba reads a news article explaining Bruce Bond’s check forgery scheme…
Play Manson’s “If I Could Shave My Sack” song…
Caller – BTLS Show helps make his day go by quicker…
Someone calls Bubba’s cell phone while he’s on the air…
Bubba marks out to the new pictures of his calf…but he is still losing the poll…
Caller – did Bubba get calf implants?…
Caller – sending Yaya’s to the show…
Caller – Bubba’s calf is way better than Spice’s…and Cialis question…
Caller – headed to Black Rock Speedway for a charity race…
Caller – new fan loves the show…used to hear Bubba on WEBN…
Caller – (female FTE) Bubba has a real man’s calf…(with some front calf)…
Caller – will Bubba ever re-broadcast the shows he did on XM?…
Jeremy Coleman is now the VP of talk programming at Sirius XM Radio…

Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “Paris Hilton Goes To Oz” bit…
Listener email –
Bubba recaps the first time he went to New York to meet Howard Stern…and explains why he is
so pissed off at Opie and Anthony for disrespecting Howard and Janie…
Email – why does Spice hate John Lynch so much?…
Caller – does Chip answer the phones during the break?…also wants to send Yaya’s to the show…
Who are the guys pulling for in the next UFC fight?…
Caller – Bubba needs to fight Opie and Anthony…

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