The BTLS Show

03-30-2020 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
Seth is back in the studio
Bubba said he’s ready for a vacation

Dr. Dan said he had the busiest week in 5 years

Seth apologizes for walking out on the show

Bubba and Seth talk about him coming back to the show

Bubba and the guys talk about the possibility of Blitz doing an explosive show with a paper bag over his head

Bubba and the guys talk about Tiger King

Seth says Bubba is the Joe Exotic of radio

Bubba gets into an Ozarks mark fest

Bubba and the guys talk about cloning

How would cloned Bubba be?

Bubba plays the parody “End Of Seth’s World” by John from Naples for Seth

Bubba as another parody by John for Naples for Seth

SEG 2:
CALLER – Tampa Terry

Bubba thanks Lummox for getting him some of his favorite bread

Bubba plans on shaving the show goats with Lummox

Bubba watches a few videos of goat grooming

Bubba and the guys talk about Fast Fresh Seafood

SEG 3:

Bubba plays the new Seth parody from John from Naples

Bubba and Seth talk about his reason for coming back to the show

Seth apologizes again for walking out

Bubba goes through some emails

Bubba and the guys talk about social distancing

Bubba reads an email from a guys who loves Matthew Cox

Bubba plans on doing another show with Matthew Cox tomorrow

Blitz chimes in; thinks Matthew Cox is a complete scumbag

Bubba plans on getting the Cream Machine set up with the purge horn

Bubba plays the Dr. Dan Hammil Parody

SEG 4:
Theraworx Protect

Bubba and the guys talk about Trump extending the social distancing guidelines through April 30th

Bubba and the guys talk about Florida putting checkpoints at the border to check for possible coronavirus infected people entering the state

Colton was in South Carolina over the weekend getting some ass; Colton experienced the border checkpoint

Colton talks about going to Charleston for some ass

Colton is seeing a single mom with a 3year old kid
Bubba plays John Naples’ “End Of Seth’s World”

SEG 5:
Bubba plays John Naples’ “Bare Naked Seth”

For Hims

Bubba and the guys talk about a possible baby boom thanks to the coronavirus

Bubba and the guys talk about gorilla penis sizes

Bubba and the guys talk about who would win between a tiger and a gorilla

Bubba plays a youtube video of a guy breaking down who would win between a lion and a gorilla

Bubba and the guys talk about Tiger King in depth

Dr. Dan brings up FDA approving plaquenil for coronavirus treatment
CALLER – Alan from Cincinnati – talks about animals fighting one another; suggests that Bubba watch a viral video called Battle At Kruger

Bubba breaks down Battle At Kruger

CALLER – Brandon the Quad – suggest that Bubba plays some of Joe Exotic’s music

Bubba plays Joe Exotic’s “I Saw A Tiger”

SEG 6:

Jay Diaco in studio

Bubba plays another Joe Exotic song

Bubba plays some of Joe Exotic’s political ads

Dr. Dan leaves the studio to applause

Bubba and Seth bring up that Dr. Dan is still smoking to Jay

Bubba and the guys talk about Seth and Jay’s sterilization practices

SEG 7:

Bubba plays John Naples new parody

Seth points out about what the image of him walking out must’ve looked like

Bubba and the guys talk about Cardi B pushing for a GoFundMe for Joe Exotic

Bubba and the guys talk about Cardi B’s net worth; Bubba’s net worth

SEG 8:

Bubba promotes tomorrow’s interview with Michael Cox

Bubba talks about the show’s social media

Bubba plays a new video Seth put on Instagram


Bubba and the guys talk about Fast Fresh Seafood; SJL is doing deliveries

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