The BTLS Show

01-10-2020 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:

Bubba resets everyone’s levels
Lummy’s voice is hoarse from being out late last night bowling

Bubba and the guys talk about bowling

Bubba and the guys go over Lummox’s ass roster

Bubba’s wind talking about some salacious sexual stuff he’s in the middle of that Blitz doesn’t even know about

Bubba talks about getting arrested and going through processing

Bubba’s Hog Trial was the first trial aired on Court TV

Bubba and the guys talk Alish Klass and the act of “ROCKY”

SEG 2:
Bubba wonders if he is old for radio

Bubba plays a new drop that Caveman has for him

Bubba talks about Lummox taking down the BRN Christmas tree

Lummox bought bags for the pieces of the tree; one of the bags broke

Seth has to leave early today to interview Victor Hedman for his podcast

SEG 3:
Bubba and the guys talk the Tampa Bay Lightning

Bubba and Seth talk about Seth’s Lightning Podcast

Bubba and the guys talk about the traffic causing issues with people getting to the games

Bubba has new hats made by Janie Cakes

Bubba has a hat for Caveman and Seth’s kids

Bubba gave Seth a zebra hat; Seth says his kid is afraid of zebras

SEG 4:
MacDill is on lockdown; reports of an Active Shooter

Bubba and the guys talk about the breaking news

Turns out the base is on lockdown but, the incident was near the base not on the base

Bubba displays Janie Cake’s hats for people to buy

Bubba talks about the Packers paying fans to shovel snow at Lambeau

SEG 5:

Bubba and the guys talk about the UK Royals

Bubba and the guys talk about Prince Harry and Megan Markel announcing they want to get out of their Royal duties

Bubba and the guys talk about Camels becoming an invasive species in Australia

Australia officials are trying to get rid of 10K Camels because they are causing issues to Australian households

CALLER – Shannon from Charleston – calls regarding a fundraiser for the family of the girl and her son who got killed by an accident

SEG 6:
Bubba wants to start working out again at the Clem Gym

Bubba invites Seth to work out with him

Bubba and the guys talk about a suicide prevention net being installed on the Skyway Bridge

Bubba thinks they should invest the money they’re putting into this net project into mental health facilities instead

Bubba and the guys talk about a South Florida man who made threats to the President on a Facebook live video

CALLER – Joe from Charleston – discusses the economic impact of public suicides

CALLER – Southern Celeste in Ocala – marks out to Bubba

CALLER – Mark from Ohio – Marks out to the show

Bubba and the guys get into a story about a Michigan man who killed his tinder date and ate their victim’s testicles

SEG 7:
Light Stream

John from Location Imaging from the chat is in studio

John is a NASCAR photographer

Bubba and John discuss NASCAR and how to improve the fan experience

CALLER – Dave from Lawrenceburg – Calls in to mark out

SEG 8:
For Hims

Bubba is having some issues dialing long distance

CALLER – Big Slop on the phone

CALLER – Ray from Charleston on the phone

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