The BTLS Show

12-13-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
Lummox and Janessa are in studio

Stoned Joey Logano is in the shower; Bi-Boy his hosing him down

Bubba says he used his special cologne concoction this morning

Bubba has Lummox, Janessa, Bi-Boy, and SJL take a sniff

SJL admits to having his sister bleach his hair

Blitz thinks SJL did it to avoid Bubba doing it today which would mean he couldn’t do his show

Bubba and the guys talk about SJL’s pubic beard stunt

Bubba asks Janessa about shaving her legs growing up

Bubba and the guys talk about showering after sports/gym class

SEG 2:
For Hims

Lummox mentions that he saw his new girl at a fundraiser held at Forbici

Bubba, Janessa, Lummox and Bubba have been to Forbici

Bubba says no one at the BRN could have a healthy relationship

Bubba Googles himself

SEG 3:
Bubba talks Greta Thunberg

Bubba gets into emails

Bubba mentions Amazon’s Smile Program

Bubba talks about his foundation

Bubba reads an email about his sign; may not use sign at his house

Bubba wants to offer his traveling sign to local companies

SEG 4:
Bubba promos the show’s YouTube page

Bubba and the guys talk about the Top Movies Of 2019

Bubba and the guys talk about a new reality show ‘Hot & Heavy’
Bubba talks about the ins and outs of Reality Show salaries

Bubba talks about the Lightning beating the Bruins last night

SEG 5:

Bubba plays a fan submitted parody

Bubba talks about the BRN landlord Mark/Tate’s Pizza

Bubba plays a new fan made parody “Chat Cancer”

Bubba and the guys talk about Thursday Night Football

Bubba and the guys talk about a proposed FL Bill pushing for 3Months of Maternity/Paternity leave for new parents

CALLER – Lynn from PTBO – promos Loonies & Toonies

Lynn explains Canadian Maternity/Paternity leave

Bubba talks about the Calgary Bubbapalooza

Blitz says Bubba made Lummox cry a few weeks ago

Bubba wonders if he should stop messing with the boys

Bubba talks about getting in fights with his sister

Bubba talks about getting his ass whooped by his dad

Bubba and the guys talk about a big prostitution bust in Polk County

CALLER – Says his brother was busted by Grady in a sting in 06/07

SEG 6:
Bubba plays ‘Chat Cancer’ Parody

Hex Head Art

Bubba got a new Lightning Hat from Colton

Colton’s been sucking up to Bubba lately to get his BRN Royalty Ring back

Bubba and the guys talk about the fa of Krispy Kreme

Bubba and the guys go into an octopus vortex

SEG 7:

Light Stream

Bubba talks about Trump’s Presidential Limo

Bubba and the guys talk about a story involving a ‘Naughty’ Christmas light display

“I Like Penis” – Janessa

“I Like Penis” – Bubba

Bubba mentions Lummox is still missing

Bubba and the guys talk about the new Popeyes Chicken Ugly Sweater

SEG 8:
Lummox says he was working on a possible Slip & Fall situation at the warehouse



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