The BTLS Show

10-23-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
YouTube Wednesday

Dr. Dan & Baby Face are in studio

Bubba talks about being a creature of habit

SJL is in the shower singing “Im Sorry”

Janessa saw the movie “Hustlers” with J-Lo

Bubba thinks A-Rod could get better than J-Lo
Bubba talks about equipment being moved in the main studio

Things were moved during Kevin Hayslett’s show last night

Bubba wants to figure out the mic situation between Dan and Brian

Dan does not realize that the show is on YouTube today

SEG 2:
Bubba thinks Dan should spray down; Dan doesn’t like being called out

Bubba talks about his headphone issues

Bubba talks about his ears hearing himself

Bubba and the guys talk about ear cleaning

Bubba and the guys talk about the ear irrigation systems

Dr. Dan inspects the ears of Bubba, Brian, Janessa and SJL

Bubba watches a clip from the BRN ear wax challenge

Bubba teases a story about CVS using drones for drugs

SEG 3:
Bubba talks about the hot mic segments

Bubba and the guys take some shots at one another

Bald Faced vs. Bold Face Lie

Bubba and the guys talk CVS drones

Bubba and the guys talk “The Great Hack”
Bubba and the guys talk Trump’s campaign tactics in 2016

Bubba has to put Dan and Brian in a time out

SEG 4:
Bubba and the guys talk a live Grease production with Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta

Bubba and the guys talk about who they’d like to meet if money wasn’t an issue

Dan asks Bubba who he’d want to meet in the last 200 years; Bubba wants to meet Hitler

CALLER – Peterborough Pete – has medical questions for Dr. Dan

Peterborough Pete has high blood pressure and has been ejaculating blood

Bubba has Dr. Dan take a look at Margaret Sugalski

Bubba and the guys get in a Mark Ober

CALLER – Drew from Tampa – marks out to the show; Baby Face helped him with a Workman’s Comp deal

SEG 5:
Dan Diaco tags out; Jay Diaco tags in
For Hims

Bubba talks about Astros; Astros GM/Roberto Osuna drama

Bubba and the guys talk about cancel culture

Bubba and the guys talk about the MJ trial

Bubba and the guys talk about Massachusetts lawmaker proposing the criminalization of the word “Bitch”

Bubba goes into a story about a woman who got 50 years for DUI manslaughter

Bubba and the guys talk about new details involving the Jussie Smollett case

SEG 6:
Bubba talks about a Georgia Sheriff getting sued for putting signs in the yards of sexual predators

Bubba plays a clip of him putting a sexual predator sign in someone’s yard

Bubba and the guys talk break down the story about the Georgia Sheriff getting sued for putting signs in the yards of sexual predators

Bubba and the guys talk about a study saying chocolate chip cookies being as addictive as cocaine

Bubba and the guys talk about a Marion County School Board employee in trouble of child porn

Jay talks about a story in which his brother dealt with a possible kid toucher

Bubba tells a story of how you have to CYA before you help others

SEG 7:
Bubba and the guys talk cars
CALLER – talks about Brent Hatley’s swinging drama on Stern Show

Bubba gets into a Brent concert

Bubba and the guys talk about the sexual allegations facing Cuba Gooding Jr.

Bubba and the guys talk about Pizza Hut using plant-based meat toppings

Bubba stepped back from the conversation and it mind screwed Baby Face

SEG 8:
Hex Head

Bubba talks Instagram and the social media game

Bubba and the guys talk about McKamey Manor

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