The BTLS Show

10-15-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
Bubba talks about the Packers MNF win against the Lions

Packers came from behind to win

Bubba talks about his friend who is having issues with their teenage daughter

Bubba’s friend’s daughter came back home from Homecoming with a giant hickey

Blitz and Janessa thinks that Bubba’s friends is reacting too harshly

Lummox is trying to get with Bubba’s friend

Bubba calls Lummox a sexual predator

Bubba talks about Lummox’s creepiness

Janessa asks if Lummox brought his hitachi; Janessa says there is a male hitachi attachment

Bubba talks about vibrating football machines

SEG 2:
The guys took Baby the Show Goat out to UT yesterday

Bubba talks to SJL on slate about Baby

Bubba mandates that SJL can no longer hold Baby; Baby needs to walk more

Bubba says SJL will get liquid assed if he doesn’t

SEG 3:


CALLER – Shawn in Australia – marks out to the show; says he listen

Bubba breaks down a video of SJL taking Baby to UT to pick up girls

CALLER – Brandon from PA – has some comments about the Packers game

Bubba plays some highlights from the Packers MNF win over the Lions

SEG 4:

Bubba wants to do a tutorial for the dolts on how to interview people on the street

Bubba and Blitz verbally walk through how to interview people with Baby the Show Goat

Lummox and SJL try to walk through what Bubba wants step by step

Bubba gets into a story about California pushing back school starting times

Bubba and the guys discuss Florida looking into requiring public schools to have bible classes

Bubba and the guys discuss a story involving a dad upset over his kid walking in the dark to his bus stop

SEG 5:

Light Stream

Unsigned Band Review

BAND 1 – Detoura – APPROVED



Bi-Boy I was wrong

SEG 6:

For Hims

Bubba plays some clips from SJL with Baby

Bubba and the guys talk about a story involving a guy who walked over 400 miles to have sex with a child

Bubba gets into a story about a Groveland, FL firefighter who was accused of inappropriately touching teenagers

Bubba and the guys get into a story about a pedophile in England accused of abusing over 200 children getting killed in jail

Bubba and the guys get into a story about a man raping a 10 year old girl he met on Snapchat

CALLER from 732 – says Bubba’s new “go to black girl” is Joy Taylor, Jason Taylor’s sister

Bubba gets into a story about a DFW police officer charged with murder for accidentally shooting a woman in her home

SEG 7:
Bubba talks about the Royalty Party

Florida Tree Surgeons

Stogies & Cycles

Bubba promos Bubba 199 this Friday

CALLER – Nash – asks for Bubba’s advice regarding his brother getting in a car accident

Bubba gets into a story about a woman filing a lawsuit against her dead son’s master for making her son inflate his testicles

Bubba has SJL bring Baby in the studio; SJL doesn’t know how to walk Baby correctly

SEG 7:

Bubba talks to Lummox about the name of the after show

Bubba and the guys talk about a woman who tried suffocating a girl

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