Month: August 2019

63 Results / Page 1 of 7


The BTLS Show

08-29-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

SEG 1: Bubba talks about shooting a video for K&N Filters Bubba and the guys talk about Hurricane Dorian “Dorian Schmorian” Bubba thinks Hurricanes are good for the economy Bubba and the guys pontificate on how strong Dorian will be by the time it reaches Tampa Blitz advises Bubba to check upstairs to see if there is anything he wants to keep safe in case the roof leaks Bubba asks […]

today08/29/2019 18

The BTLS Show

08-28-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

SEG 1: YouTube Wednesday Bubba talks about picking up the show goats Bubba had some difficulty loading the video of the show goats onto YouTube Bubba tells a story of a guy in a truck that was greasing him while getting the goats; guy turned out to be a fan Bubba and Janessa talk about Janessa losing her virginity Tuddle admits that he didn’t have sex the night of his […]

today08/28/2019 18

The BTLS Show

08-27-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

SEG 1: Bubba wants to change the show intro Bubba talks about drama that happened after the show Bubba says he’s going to get the goats today with Tuddle and Janessa Bubba talks about how busy his week is Bubba plans on being in Orlando Thursday afternoon Bubba doesn’t plan on doing a Bubba UNsponged this week SEG 2: Bubba wants to call Tuddle “Pat” instead of Tuddle Tuddle says […]

today08/27/2019 32

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