The BTLS Show

07-31-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:

Bubba didn’t pop on the previously; too long

Bubba thinks Caveman’s audio has been running low lately

Bubba talks about his run in on TLC yesterday

Bubba talks about the ins and outs of how he gets prep in the mornings

Bubba talks about a video of Chad Goes Deep that Tuddle wanted on prep

Bubba plays the video; Bubba doesn’t find it funny at all

CALLER – Steve – Says Howard had these guys on air this week

Bubba asks Tuddle if Lummox closed on his house; Tuddle says he did

Bubba asks Tuddle if he likes period… he doesn’t

Bubba says he recently dealt with a period siuation…

Blitz chimes in with a zinger

SEG 2:

Bubba talks about the BRN Royalty Party

Bubba says he’s in the process of designing the new BRN Royalty Rings

Sumo texted Bubba after he heard Bubba talk about a period situation…

Bubba talks about Russ Rollins having heat with Bubba, Bubba Whoop Ass Wilson, and Tuddle

Russ Rollins blogged that he was the reason that Bubba got on Sirius

Bubba attributes Brent Hatley to getting him on Sirius

Bubba tells a story about meeting Howard Stern in NY before going on Sirius

Bubba says he’ll get into Russ’ blog then decides not to

Tuddle is counting down the days to Russ’ trial


SEG 3:
Bubba has a 45mins project for the guys from TLC to do after their show

Bubba says that the 45mins clock starts when Colton is done

Tuddle says that he went to lunch with Scary Terry yesterday

CALLER – Loved Bubba’s run in on TLC; has been having issues getting a hold of someone regarding BAR bits

Bubba puts the guy on hold; doesn’t want SJL handling this

Bubba berates SJL for not brushing his teeth

Bubba and Tuddle get into their daily cubes


SEG 4:

Bubba wants to have Bi-Boy and SJL arm wrestle later today

Bubba talks about fishing with Sumo and Tony Stewart

Bubba asks the guys if they know how to cast a line; everyone at the BRN says they can cast a line except for SJL

Bubba plays a video of people at a rave wearing robotic exoskeletons

Bubba plays a story about a man in Miami getting caught with child porn who lived at a home daycare

Bubba and the guys talk about explaining to your kids who can and who cannot touch their privates

Bubba’s campaign slogan would be ‘kill all child touchers’

CALLER – Jason – Has a casting bit idea

SEG 5:

Bubba says Shando may be in studio Friday
Bubba says Lasker is not going to be able to be in studio Friday

Lasker is at a federal trial involving a member of his motorcycle club that was gunned down

For Hims

Bubba gets into the TOP 5 Countdown

#4 Khaled – APPROVED

#3 Senorita – NOT APPROVED
#2 Bad Guy – APPROVED
#1 Old Town Road – NOT APPROVED

Bubba gets into a story about a man accused of killing his niece; had a 2 year sexual relationship with her

Bubba gets into a story about a man who found a mummified baby in his dead mon’s freezer

Bubba gets into a story/study about 1 in 4 delivery drivers who may be sampling your food before you get it


SEG 6:

DRAFT mention

Light Stream

Bubba gets into the Reds/Pirates bench clearing brawl

Bubba gets into a story about a woman who urinated on the potatoes at a Walmart

Bubba gets into a story about a scam trying to extort a woman; may have gotten data from a breach in Panera’s security

SEG 7:

Palm Harbor Piping

CALLER – Thinks that Bubba should break down the first show Bubba did on Twitch

Bubba promos may do a show Friday night with or without Janessa

Bubba and the guys break down Mark Ober and how he handled Bubba’s case

Bubba starts going into Tuddle’s Mean Tweets; gets squirreled

CALLER – Glory Hole Greg – gets confrontational with Bubba; Bubba hangs up

Bubba is pissed at chat in the stance they are taking

Bubba asks the guys if they could just ‘let it go’

SEG 8:

Bubba doesn’t think he’ll do a Friday Night Show

CALLER – Buzzard Bob – Takes Bubba’s side on the Calta/Spice stuff

CALLER – CJ the FTE – Takes Bubba’s side on the Calta/Spice stuff

CALLER – Mark – Takes Bubba’s side on the Calta/Spice stuff

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