The BTLS Show

05-28-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
Bubba’s intro was messed up thanks to some technical issues; Bubba points out that old Bubba would be flipping out

Bubba tries to get validation from Manson; Bubba forgot to put Manson’s mic up

Bubba’s been looking forward to talking to everyone today

Mike’s Pizza is in today

Tuddle asks Bubba about his trip to Indy; Bubba says there’s a big who done it with Indy

Bubba introduces himself; the show to all the new fans watching the show on Twitch

Bubba says people from Tokyo are ‘Tokyokians’

Bubba can’t decide if he should wear his Sirius hat or not; Bubba thinks his head looks fat

Bubba says Tuddle looks exhausted; Tuddle says he probably looks tired because he had lots of sex over the weekend

Tuddle went 8 for 13 on the climax to sex ratio

Bubba says Tuddle’s success in the bedroom is because of the daily kegels

Tuddle says he and Casey went seawall fishing; Tuddle describes having sex on the tailgate while fishing

Tuddle says this is the first time he’s had sex outdoors

Bubba says when he sees the crescent moon that it reminds him of Pat Tonight

Blitz chimes in, says there are new chat emotes with Pat Tonight

Bubba wants to use the Pat Tonight emote for people who reach a certain threshold in bit donations

Bubba plays Manson’s Pat Tonight song

SEG 2:
Bubba wants Caveman to reach out to Jamie from Northern AC

Bubba says we may have some AC issues

Bubba and Blitz talk about the possible AC issues we’re having

Bubba promos Janessa will be doing a show tonight on Twitch

Blitz says we’ve gone from the ‘ER’ to the ‘EE’; Bubba says we’ve gone from the ‘ER’ to the ‘EE’ in many ways

Bubba talks about all the various YouTube LIVE videos while in Indy

Bubba says he was kicked out of the Indy500

Bubba says he plans on doing more stuff on his YouTube

Bubba talks about his trip to Indy; Bubba was live on YouTube when he boarded his plane from Tampa to Indy

Bubba brings up that people get flipped out when they’re being recorded; Blitz points out that most streamers keep the video on them not people they’re making fun of

Bubba talks about his trip to Indy; brings up that he’s only traveled to two places this year

Fat Headz

Rico from Fat Headz invited Bubba to the Indy500 when Bubba was in LA

Bubba says Rico may be interested in doing a podcast for his company

Bubba plays a YouTube LIVE video from his trip to the Indy500

Bubba says a person named ‘Penny Penske’ got him thrown out of the Indy500

Bubba breaks down what he had planned for when going to Indy

Sumo warned Bubba that Bubba would be miserable
Bubba says there was like 70+ people in Rico’s suite

Bubba describes how he was jobbed out while trying to get to Rico’s suite

SEG 3:

Bubba wants Caveman to reach out to Jamie with Norther AC; Caveman is on it already

Northern AC

Light Stream

Bubba continues his story from his trip to the Indy500

Bubba plays a clip from his time at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway; Bubba had a woman he nicknamed ‘Penny Penske’ approach him while on YouTube LIVE

Bubba says that this video was the reason why Bubba was kicked out of the Fat Headz suite and Rico’s wife refused to have Bubba stay at their place

Bubba continues to play his YouTube LIVE video from Indianapolis Motor Speedway; Bubba came up with a plotline to a movie on how Tyler would get into pro racing

Bubba says he will continue the story next

SEG 4:
Bubba plays Manson/Ned’s ‘It Jutts Out’


Northern AC

Bubba wants to possibly do a Jutt Out t-shirt

Tuddle did another Trailer Park MAGA

Tuddle says he had a fan stop by his place on a whim at the Hobo Fish Camp; Tuddle says the guy just appeared out of nowhere

Bubba breaks down Tuddle’s Trailer Park MAGA

Tuddle admits that he and Casey aren’t using protection; Tuddle think she could get Casey to get an abortion

Casey doesn’t put over Tuddle’s cooking; doesn’t want to offend her ‘future mother-in-law’

Tuddle’s nervous laugh 19mins in

The entire Trailer Park Maga roundtable messes with Tuddle on possibly becoming a dad

SEG 5:

Bubba promos Mike’s Pizza

Bubba thinks his AC is working now; Blitz ribs Bubba

Bubba promos The Bubba Army podcast on YouTube

CALLER – Said that Tuddle invited the listener to his place during last Thursday’s Tuddle Show

Bubba wants to know if he should finish his Indy story or just go to some other stories he has in mind

CALLER – Brian – Says he is the guy who came by Tuddle’s place

Brian is full hot at Tuddle for being a dick; Tuddle offered Brian to come back to his place the next day and Brian blew him off

Brian has a possible $50K job offer for Bubba; says he tried getting a hold of Bubba via email

Bubba plays Van Halen’s “Jamie’s Cryin’’ – Ned sings ‘Brian’s Cryin’’

SEG 6:
Bubba and the guys get into a session of Kegeling with Clem

Bubba wants to cut some liners for Kegeling with Clem

Bubba ponders why people in chat hate segments like Kegeling with Clem

Bubba rants about people hating the Kegeling with Clem segment

Bubba wants to do another Kegeling with Clem segment to see who clonks

Bubba and the guys get into another session of Kegeling with Clem; points out everyone who clonks the segment

Blitz chimes in; SJL has the audio of FTE Brian calling into Tuddle’s show

Bubba plays more of his YouTube LIVE videos from his time at Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Bubba talks about Bart Starr passing away over the weekend

Bubba talks about Bill Buckner passing away over the weekend; plays video of Buckner’s infamous botched play from the 1986 World Series

SEG 7:


Bubba talks Bill Buckner; plays a video showing that Buckner possibly predicted the bad play; Caveman says he jinxed himself

Bubba continues his Indy500 story; Bubba talks about the sleeping arrangements at Rico’s place

Bubba talks about trying to find a hotel room after leaving Rico’s place

Bubba ended up staying with Sumo; Bubba was hoping to watch the Indy500 with Sumo

Sumo said the Indy500 was blacked out in Columbus, IN; Bubba and Sumo watched the Indy500 via someone’s YouTube LIVE video

Sumo found out the iggy that Rico’s wife is the reason why Bubba was ousted

Bubba talks Simon Pagenaud winning the Indy500

Bubba plays clips of Simon Pagenaud resembling Jean Girard from Talladega Nights

Bubba plays a clip of David Lee Roth on Joe Rogan’s Podcast

SEG 8:
Bubba plays Manson/Ned’s ‘It Jutts Out’
Light Stream

Bubba promos Buds & Suds, Cluster F and a possible Janessa show later today

Bubba continues his Indy500 story

Bubba talks about James Holzhauer, the Jeopardy contestant who is on a 28 game winning streak

Bubba gets into a story about 3 dogs who chewed through a door and attacked an elderly woman in Brooksville

Bubba talks Florida’s ban on childlike sex dolls; mentions that he wants to go into Florida’s ban on childlike sex dolls more in depth tomorrow

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