The BTLS Show

05-20-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:

Bubba says he needs to go back to the mic processing room

Bubba talks about Bubba 199; Bubba killed it Friday night

Bubba said he had a meeting with Gene Lasker

Gene and Sarah are full hot about everything

Blitz was getting texts from Gene all weekend

Bubba thinks he may have Tuddle stop coming in Friday’s to avoid any Gene issues

Bubba says he doesn’t want to talk about this whole thing until Gene has a chance to break it all down

Tuddle sent Bubba some artwork for a possible concept; Bubba has some suggestions

Bubba had a ‘pre-meeting’ with Janessa yesterday to go over their show which is slated at 6PM tonight

Bubba says he passed a flake from his Kidney Stone over the weekend

Bubba talks Game Of Thrones; people upset over Season 8

Bubba mentions that he’s going to the Indy500 this week

SEG 2:

Bubba says Tuddle is shot out of a cannon during the break

Bubba mentions Indy 500

Ned ‘Blem for a hizz jizz’

Ned shot – Ned is in the dark

Blitz admits that Joey Logano does have extra Ned shots but, he forgot to put one up

Bubba went back to the mic processing room

Bubba had Joey Logano clear Bubba’s a path through the crawl space
Bubba compares the crawl space to a haunted mansion

Blitz says he didn’t know Bubba was going back there; said he had a flashlight for him

Bubba had to Helen Keller himself to the mic processing room

Bubba had to fix the mic processing and ran around the building to get back in time

Tuddle tests Mic 3 and 4 for Bubba

Tuddle is all gummed up; didnt get to see Casey over the weekend

Tuddle wants to find a secluded area to play ‘jungle hunt’ with Casey this coming weekend

Bubba talks Game Of Thrones; people getting counseling over GOT’s final season

Bubba has a poll going on right now on Twitch to see who in our Twitch chat actually watch Game Of Thrones

Bubba and the guys talks Game Of Thrones; other HBO hit shows

Bubba promos Janessa being on Twitch tonight

SEG 3:

Bubba replays the Previously

Bubba says he sounds like a SC Game Cock; wants ISO

Bubba talks Clem Gym; guys helped Bubba set the Clem Gym back up

Bubba says he worked out with Lummox at the Clem Gym; Bubba and Lummy pre-partied up before the work out

Lummox was feeling terrible while wearing a sauna suit

Bubba talks Hogan’s philosophy on using a sauna suit

Lummox was about to puke thanks to the sauna suit

Bubba did 42 reps of one chest exercise and it killed him

Bubba says he received a nice email from Gary from Hex Head

Bubba wants to use Gary’s email as a testimonial to show other advertisers

Hex Head Art

Bubba talks about all the FatHeads that are on the Clem Gym wall

Bubba wants to work out with Ned; Ned is on fire today

Bubba plays LJ’s music video for Ned’s ‘A Lot’

Blitz brings up that all the fan made videos are better than any submission sent to us from Mark’s Madness

Bubba brings up that if LJ produces a few more videos he may earn himself a BRN Royalty ring

Bubba promos Janessa’s appearance tonight

Bubba talks about Bubba 199; he may start doing Bubba 199 every Friday night

Bubba got an email from a woman about kegeling; Bubba wants to do an 8:15 daily kegel

Ned says we’ll have Super Kegels

SEG 4:

Bubba plays LJ’s music video for Ned’s ‘A Lot’ in its entirety

Bubba wants to get some kegeling music

Bubba and the guys determine that ‘nothing is good that drips except for drips of morphine’

Bubba talks his new ‘8:15 Kegeling with Clem’ segment

Bubba found a story and video about sperm extraction

Bubba and the guys break down the sperm extractor video

Bubba gets into story about a woman accused of threatening to ‘shoot everyone’ at Tampa elementary school

Bubba mentions that Trayvon Martin’s mom is running for office in South FL

Bubba and the guys get into a tangent on abortion; Bubba suggests investing in abortion clinics in the Pan Handle marketed towards Alabama and Georgia

SEG 5:

Bubba replays the Previously

Bubba says Tuddle was in a poor mood Friday

Bubba plays the new parody by Ned/Manson ‘Juts Out & He Knows It’

Bubba breaks down ‘Juts Out & I Know It’

Tuddle’s nervously biting his fingers causing some bleeding; Bubba and the guys created a new super hero named ‘The Coagulator’

Bubba continues to break down ‘Just Out & I Know It’

Bubba gets into a tangent about Jerry Lewis’ Labor Day Telethons

Blitz confuses Jerry Lewis with Jerry Lee Lewis

Manson was going to pledge money to the telethon but never sent it in

Bubba gets into a story about a St. Louis Taco Bell employee’s anti-Muslim rant being caught on camera

Bubba talks about his love for McDonald’s; Blitz chimes in saying Bubba needs to start using the McD’s App

Bubba gets into a story about a riderless horse at the Preakness

Bubba suggests that there should be jockeyless horse racing

Bubba breaks down the Preakness and the riderless horse

Bubba brings up that no one will remember the winner of the Preakness; only that there was a jockeyless horse

Bubba asks Manson about his horses; Manson says you can ride Buttercup bareback with no resistance

Bubba gets into video of Brooks Koepka shutting down his girlfriend’s kiss attempts during PGA Championship

Bubba and the guys try to figure out what Brooks Koepka told his gf when he shut her down

Bubba suggests that they should have sperm extractors at the PGA Championship

Tuddle brings up how John Daly was using a golf cart at the PGA Championship

SEG 6:

Bubba plays LJ’s music video for Ned’s ‘A Lot’ parody

Bubba promos the Bubba Army YouTube


Bubba talks about John Daly using a golf cart at the PGA Championship

Bubba breaks down video of Tuddle & Colton in Ybor over the weekend

Tuddle and met up with Silas and his snakes; Silas’ snakes seem to be strangling him

Bubba and the guys comment on the various drunks walking around in the background of Colton and Tuddle’s video

Bubba and the guys break into a kegel session

SEG 7:

Bubba plays Ned/Manson’s  ‘Juts Out & He Knows It’ in its entirety

Light Stream

Bubba promos Tuddle’s Bear Trimming, Buds & Suds, and Cluster F

Bubba tries to go to caller Spinal Sally; Bubba’s phones are acting up

Bubba says he will be going to Indy500; talks about the ‘snake pit’

Bubba gets into a shirtless FL man stealing FHP patrol car

CALLER – Vicki ‘aka’ Spinal Sally – talks about her spinal surgery

Bubba asks how long until doggy; wants Vicki to record herself asking her doctor

SEG 8:
Bubba promos the Bubba Army YouTube page

Bubba plans on doing a Tuddle Beard Trimming on YouTube after the morning show

Tuddle invited two women in studio for Buds & Suds; Tuddle doesn’t remember anything

Bubba starts marking out to Danica Patrick’s instagram posts

Blitz tells a story about Bubba being too shy to talk to Danica Patrick

Bubba decides to Kegel to the top

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