The BTLS Show

02-21-2019 | The BTLS Morning Show

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SEG 1:
Bubba wants to get Bump Ins from Bubba Army Royalty
Bubba wants to make the opening ‘I Stab People’
Bubba gets into Roseanne Barr’s rant on politics/AOC
Bubba talked to Orwell, Orwell is trying to storyboard Ned’s Psycho Mode
Orwell wants to come in during a Sunday to film
Bubba got his hair done yesterday

SEG 2:
Bubba has been talking to someone who says that Tuddle has been doing great on air
Will Tuddle turn on Bubba again?
Bubba talks Calta; the distribution of the Hogan Sex Tape
Bubba wants to play ‘Begging Tuddle’
Tuddle catches his first nip of Touch Vodka
Begging Tuddle is consumption upon catch
Bubba’s second throw is a bad toss
Tuddle catches his second nip of Touch Vodka

SEG 3:
Forever Tantra
Bi Bubba & The Boys
Bubba shows an old picture from Power Pig days
Bubba talks Power Pig days and how he joined with Manson
Caveman brings up Marks Madness
Bubba wants to do a crazy gift pack for the Marks Madness winner

SEG 4:
Bubba plays and breaks down Orwell’s ‘Adderall’ video

SEG 5:
Bubba plays and breaks down Steve Forensic’s ‘Big Girls’ music video
Bubba plays ‘Begging Tuddle’
Tuddle catches his nip of Touch Vodka
Tuddle misses the next nip
Bubba continues to play and breaks down Steve Forensic’s ‘Big Girl’s music video
Bubba gets into weird Johnny Christ tangent
Bubba wants to become the male version of Delilah
Bubba wants to be in a lesbian relationship with Manson
“Go from a bratwurst to a banana split’
Guys pontificate on whether or not Matthew McConaughey is a few shades darker than the rest of his body

SEG 6:
Diacos are in the studio
Bubba plays and breaks down Manson’s Dr. Dan Piano Man parody
CALLER – Immigration law questions
CALLER – Will/Trust questions
CALLER – Employment law questions
Bubba plays and breaks down the new Diaco Law commercials
Guys get on a very weird spiral staircase tangent
Jeff Gigante brings up the music in all 3 Diaco Law commercials are the same
Bubba tries to mix minus the commercials with some EDM music
The Diacos don’t know what Baby Shark is; Bubba proceeds to school them
CALLER – Employment/Insurance questions
CALLER – Comments about Diaco commercial
Guy thinks ‘SOS Firm’ sounds like ‘SOS Sperm’
Bubba replays each commercial; Bubba thinks he hears ‘SOS Sperm’

SEG 7:
Did the Diaco segment end in real heat?

SEG 8:
Light Stream
Bubba is worried if Jay is pissed at him
Bubba replays all of the Diaco commercials

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