The Shannon Burke Show

2-26-2013 | The Shannon Burke Show

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On The Show…
– As we get closer to the deadline Shannon talks about the Sequester cuts and government spending.
– Should the government be allowed to cut public programs to trim the federal budget?
– A Texas man receives a 7 thousand dollars on his food stamp card.
– Danny the Jew calls in to offer his thoughts.
– Jack Nicholson hits on Jennifer Lawrence after the Oscars.
– Rick flips out about the Snap program.
– Dropkick Murphys – Shipping Up To Boston, Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline, Joe and Steve – Walkoff King.
– Shannon talks about a proposal being considered for pet food stamps.
– A Carson City man leaves behind millions in gold hidden inside his home.
– One Million Moms says a Geico car insurance ad promotes bestiality.
– People are using IV cocktails to recover from various ailments including hangovers and sunburn.
– Boston – Foreplay, Joe and Steve – Shit Splatter
– A gynecologist is caught taking photos of thousands patient.
– Shannon learns that there’s actually a fetish connected to this subject.
– We get Amanda to pull up some videos, for research purposes.
– Tool – Aenima, Joe and Steve – Piss Song, DMX – RR.
– Sean Ras joins us for Conspiracy Corner.
– We talk Oscars, gun control and take some calls.

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