The Shannon Burke Show

12-14-2012 | The Shannon Burke Show

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On The Show…
– Shannon opens show addressing the elementary school shooting that just happened in Conn.
– President Obama makes a speech in regards to the shooting. Shannon agrees Obama did the right thing by making a statement
and addressing this issue.
– Rob Parker suspended for comments about RG3 saying “My question is, and it’s just a straight, honest
question: Is he a brother, or is he a cornball brother,” Parker said. “He’s not really. He’s black, he does
his thing, but he’s not really down with the cause. He’s not one of us. He’s kind of black, but he’s not
really like the kind of guy you really want to hang out with.”
– Shannon tells story of a guy who got on his bike joking and dropped it; needless to say Shannon popped
him in the mouth. Cancel drunk guy riding Shannon’s bike day.
– Talk about traffic camera that ticketed a car that was stopped at a light and gave them a ticket for
– Shannon figures out this “standard of blackness”, as in that most black people think there is a certain way other black people should behave.
– Party where friends set a passed out buddy on fire. Shannon says he would rather be peed on than set
on fire if passed out.

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