Bubba Uncensored

6-26-2012 | Bubba Uncensored

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This is the Uncensored show from Tuesday 6-26-12.

Recap by Blind Lawrence:

Segment 1

Tara said she peed in Bubba’s tea.
Bubba says he’s not into Golden showers.
Emails – thanks Bubba for the show, and Blind Lawrence wants to
frolick amongst the stripers of 2001.
Janie Cakes calls in with her seual term of the week – bronko – during
sex, saying someone else’s name, then holding on.
Bubba explains what white trash is.
Jane talks about how she taught Tara oral sex, Bubba gets her to talk
about her sexual history.

Segment 2

An old talkbreak from 98 Rock where an African American guy says he
doesn’t like Bubba’s show. A shortened version of this call is on
“Public enema #1” disc 1, track 16.
Bubba and pantera get into it over dog piss on the carpet, Pantera
gets hit a few times.
Afternoon drive Radioio.com personallity Shannon burke joins the guys in studio.
Shannon talks about Colin Brady’s recent breakup.
Bubba proposes Twenty-five hook up with Colin’s ex.
Colin calls in, wuld be fine with having sex with someone else.
Crystal from Hawaii calls into talk with Twenty-five and crew.

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