Dangerous Conversation Show

6-12-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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There are three hours of DC tonight but two 1.5 hour uploads…enjoy.

On The Show…
– Ledge starts off this episode of “American Rehab” with a song by Heistclick.
– As we received contrasting reports of which Ron Paul fest is going to be active later in the year, DC talks about the in fighting of The Ron Paul people and why his campaign seems to always fizzle out.
– DC talks about the catalyst that will wake up the American people and propel “the movement” forward.
– With the student loan bubble about to burst, could defaulting be a way for the average American to get even with their debt.
– Adam Kokesh, an American activist and radio host is on the phone to talk with DC about the Libritarian movement and where he feels the changes are needed.
– We listen to Adam’s take on Rand Paul after he endorses a candidate from a different political party; What does this say about his relationship with his father Dr. Ron Paul?
– Things get interesting as Ledge and Adam get into the topics of religion, multi-universes and consciences.
– Adam lets us in on Paul Fest and what the ultimate plan for the weekend which ends on the first day of the RNC.
– The Precog joins us in the third hour to recap last weeks visions and we listen as he reveals his visions for this week.

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