The Shannon Burke Show

6-4-2012 | The Shannon Burke Show

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On The Show…
– Shannon opens the show talking about his trip to the beach over the weekend.
– After much anticipation, Colin fills us in on his “jinx” story from the weekend.
– Shannon talks about the audio of Alex Jones outside the Bilderberg meeting accusing the members of eating “roasted dead babies wrapped in gold leaf”.
– SBS talks about the different ways you can prepare dead baby for consumption.
– The judge in the George Zimmerman case has revoked bail, find out what new information has surfaced revolving the money George claimed he had.
– Four kids were taken away from their families for having parents who are Neo-Nazis, should someone’s beliefs restrict them from being parents?
– Landlord refuses to allow a military veteran to rent an apartment in her complex due to conflicting political beliefs; should this be illegal?
– A stoned mother leaves her baby on the roof of her car, find out what happened after the car seat slid off the car and into the road.
– Mother of a bullied child confronts the bully in a mall; find out what happened after she choked the kid.
– WTF is Rick.
– Shannon gets good news about his adopted parents; find out what it is at the end of hour four.

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