The Shannon Burke Show

5-23-2012 | The Shannon Burke Show

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On The Show…
– Shannon opens the show talking about the germs that are found in your break room.
– Lolo Jones is a 29 year old Olympian who is still a virgin, what would it take for you to wait this long?
– What would you rather have on your wedding day? A virgin partner or someone who is experienced.
– A television commercial in India promotes a vaginal whitening cream, does the color of a vagina make a difference to you?
– Shannon talks about a new reality show involving a motorcycle club called the “Laughing Devils”, are there any reality shows that are believable.
– Jose from Pizza Patron is on the phone to talk about his promotion where you will get a free large pizza if you can order it in Spanish.
– Shannon uses WebMD to narrow down what could possible giving him so much pain.
– Listen to a Pastor preach about a solution to the gays and lesbian problem in America.

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