Dangerous Conversation Show

4-30-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge opens the show talking about
– Mark Dice joins DC via Skype and wished the Illuminati a Happy Birthday.
– Is Rihanna the Illuminati princess? Are mainsteam musicians such as Jay-Z and Rihanna supporters of the Illuminati? Mark explains his argument.
– Ledge and Mark talk about the “May Day” protest and their threats to cease traffic in major cities.
– Mark talks about Jim Tucker, an American journalist, whose objective is to expose the controversial Bilderberg Group. He is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.
– The suspected coroner of Andrew Brietbart died the day before he was to release Brietbart’s cause of death, what are the possibilities the government had something to do with this.
– After listening to an Adam Kokesh rant, Ledge is fed up and wants to know what the breaking point is.
– Listen as he cuts a promo on Americans that are unmotivated and continue to believe everything the television reports even though the message contradicts itself.

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