Dangerous Conversation Show

4-25-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge starts the show talking about the why he chose to do shows like “American Rehab” and “2100 Hours”.
– Jason Bermas joins DC for another round of Punk Rock politics; this week we talk about the secret uses of American Drones.
– Ledge and Bermas talk about how the most important stories are buried under the shiny ball.
– Jason Bermas tells about new drills being run with UAVs within our borders, some being launched from college campuses.
– We dive down the rabbit hole to see how this technology could be used to help us or to keep us on a shorter leash.
– Jason and Ledge talk about the rumors that the secret service prostitute scandal was set up by Russian agents.
– This is the last Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for 2100 Hours, a show that dedicates an open forum for veterans to speak uncensored about their time in the military.
– Staff Sgt. Co-Founder of Tactical 16 Anthony Farina talks about his initiation and early experiences in the USMC and Army.
– Anthony talks about the diificulties of leaving the warzone, the scars poeple bring back and what it’s like reacclimating himself when he returns home.
– The next guest on 2100 Hours is soon to be Sgt 1st Class Erik Shaw, listen to how he came to enlist in the Army.
– Fin out what Tactical 16 is and the camaraderie that can be found and the pain of losing some of those close friends
– Erik explains how he ended up turning an injury that breifly derailed him into a book called “Tactical Illusions”.
– Out third guest for this month’s 2100 Hours is Justin Jordan aka Big Sarge; listen to his red pill story and why he enlisted in the military.
– Big Sarge talks about the first time he handled a wartime casualty as his job in the Air Force
– Listen to Justin talk about the importance of family and how they handled his PTSD after returning from being deployed overseas.
– Big Sarge tells us about his website www.bigsargeart.com and the book he has in the works.
– Satellite Cynthia joins 2100 Hours to recap the nights guests.

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