Dangerous Conversation Show

4-23-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge opens the show talking about change and the different ways it effects people.
– Rick and Ledge talk about fear and as the conversation develops Ledge agrees to go Skydiving with Rick; find out who is going and if Ledge will back out.
– Jack Blood joins DC and they talk about Nancy Pelosi rewriting the 1st Amendment as well as decriminalizing prostitution.
– Find out what happened in Virginia regarding the N.D.A.A.
– Are Chemtrails or HARP the reason we have had a massive loss of bees?
– Jack and Ledge touch on the Trayvon Martin case and discuss the new information.
– Film maker Chris Grimes on the phone to talk about “A Second knock At The Door” a movie about friendly fire in the military.
– Listen to Chris talk about the trauma of burying a child that died in the military and the added
– Chris talks about Traumatic Brain Injury the cousin of PTSD; find out what it is and how doctors are treating TBI.
– If you were to be an actor in a live play, would you want to be the good guy or the villain?
– Ledge and Rick talk about alternative options to fuel our vehicles.
– Check out the new Lee Camp video.

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