Dangerous Conversation Show

4-6-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge opens the show introducing a new guest to Dangerous Conversation, Paulie who does terrestrial radio with Ledge.
– Dennis Hof from The Bunny Ranch is on the phone to talk about his trip to Oxford, England to debate the legalization of prostitution.
– Dennis brings Cami, a special guest on the phone to demonstrate the Celebrator.
– Dennis talks about expanding The Bunny Ranch brand internationally with locations in both Toronto and Europe.
– Dennis talks about recent changes in regards to the laws against prostitution.
– Ledge and the guys talk about the evolution of society and the possibilities of prostitution becoming legal.
– Bounty Gate comes back up and DC talks about whether, as a fan, would you like to see the opposing star player out for the game?
– DC talks about the opening day pitch appearance by Muhammad Ali and whether this depression scene taints his legacy.

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