The Diaco's

2-16-2012 | The Diaco’s

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On The Show…
– Brian Matroni talks about turning 30 and how men age better than women.
– Dr. George Northrup, a renown psychiatrist, joins The Diacos and provide a psychologist’s opinion while in studio.
– With Dr. Northrup in studio the question for the night is “What is the craziest experience you have had with an insane person?”
– Dan has a test to determine whether you are crazy or not, find out what it is.
– Dr. Northrup evaluates The Diaco’s and gives his psychiatric opinion, find out how they score.
– The Diaco’s talk about the death of Whitney Houston and give their cause of death.
– As the guys get evaluated, untold stories from their childhood come up and reveal why they may have ended up the way they are.
– Dr. Northrup explains the psychological reasoning behind being overweight.
– Seven Mary Three drummer Giti Khalsa on the phone to talk about his time with the band and what is like to be a rockstar.
– Gene Zimmerman joins the conversation and tell stories about Giti and Seven Mary Three while on the road.
– As a financial planner, Giti explains the state of medicare and Social Security.

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