Dangerous Conversation Show

2-16-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge starts the show by playing the last broadcast by Judge Napolitano.
– Brad Friedman from bradblog.com is on the phone for a night of global warming debate.
– Desi Doyen of the “Green News” calls in to join the conversation.
– Marc Morano is brought in to offer evidence that global warming is
– The topic of deforestation comes up and the trio of guests reveals their passion for this subject as tempers rise.
– The arguement ensues, things get heated and Ledge has to mediate.
– Follow the money…
– Listen to a new argument supporting fracking and the future production of natural gas.
– Tina joins Full Frontal Thursdays and helps DC come up with a new name for the sexuality segment.

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