Dangerous Conversation Show

1-18-2012 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Freedom from the controllers of the message; Ledge stresses this as he opens the show.
-Punk Rock Politics with Jason Bermas, this week they dive deep into SOPA to start the hour.
– Robb Revere joins Punk Rock Politics as they talk about headline and topics such as The Golden Rule and new technology smaller than nano, that will be infused with a pill. This pill will allow companies to track your habits.
– Stewart Rhodes, founder of The Oath Keepers on the phone to talk about SOPA.
– Stewart and Ledge jump into the Occupy movement and the presidential race.
– Ledge gets heated as he tries to wake up the sheeple of America.
– “Stupid people are taking over the world”
– “Was your oath sincere?” By Storm Cloud Gathering.

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