The Shannon Burke Show

12-16-2011 | The Shannon Burke Show

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On The Show…
– Shannon gets the new iphone 4s buts starts the show pissed off because he cannot access his cloud and twitter account.
– Shannon cuts a promo on Tuddle and holds him accountable for the cloud screw up.
– California wants to ban the frequency of oil changes, is this for profit or the economy?
– Colin teaches Tuddle the art of being cheap.
– Blind folded kissing in a high school leads to students frech kissing their parents.
– Jerry Sandusky has a new defense; find out what it is and how his lawyer plans to defend him.
– NFL analyst Tom Banks on the phone to break down the games of week 15.
– Sexy cooking show features grandmas in the kitchen.
– Would you sign a waiver in order to eat spicy food?
– With Tebow merchandise selling like crazy, SBS thinks of ways we can capitalize on Tebow’s name.
– Shannon talks about Urban Myths of musicians and determines which ones are true.
– Fridays brings the Walkoff Rewind and The Weekly Recap by @Colinsinnerds.

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