Dangerous Conversation Show

11-10-2011 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– DC touches on the Penn State sex scandal, where does the University go from here?
– People with a lot of money tend to allow their power to spiral out of control, in what way is Penn State allowing this to happen?
– People who burry their heads in the sand perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
– Blogger Brad Friedman of www.bradblog.com on the phone to provide a different point of view on topics such as voting, Occupy WS, alternate fuels, global warming and more…
– Hear why Brad is willing to debate any conservative point of review.
– Why are there no paper receipts when you vote electronically?
– 18,000 votes disappear and the incumbent wins by less than 350 votes, where did this happen and what happened after this?
– Ledge and the crew go deeper into global warming and it’s sources.
– Why are there so few liberal radio programs?
– The topic of government assistance sparks a debate of the regulations needed to filter the moochers from the program.

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