Dangerous Conversation Show

10-24-2011 | Dangerous Conversation with Scott Ledger

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On The Show…
– Ledge talks about Russia Today and how they chase similar stories related to DC ideas.
– Moammar Gadhafi wanted to create his own currency, what was it based on?
– New Solar Power corespondent supplies DC with new statistics.
– Federal Reserve prints money and loans it to the US government, therefore money starts as a debt.
– Independent Blogger Jessie LaGreca back in the news, this time on Network television, find out what he says.
– Ledge comes up with a name for the occupy protestors, it may be more obvious than you think.
– Ledge talks about CSP and why you should know what this is.
– Bubba Army on the phone talking about how oil companies replace crude oil with water in the ground.
– DC breaks down the meaning of your birth certificate.
– From the moment you are born, you are a corporation and collateral for the government.
– Why is your name in caps on your birth certificate? Ledge and Richard explain.
– How much does the government think you are worth to them?

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