Spices's Happy Hour

6-21-2011 | Spice’s Happy Hour

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On The Show…
– Eric, 32 and still unemployed, where does it end?
– Vegas did not effect Eric, however Spice and Sean are hurting.
– Danny The Jew in studio and brings tons of food and booze for the crew.
– Why do they call it “spirits”?
– Why can some states sell 40oz of beer and others can’t?
– The guys talk about their Vegas Trip.
– Why was Sean naked most of the time in Vegas?
– Billy Vegas on the phone, gives perspective and clears up some stories from the guys trip to Vegas
– Why did Eric appologize to Billy Vegas? Did it involve fat girls at a pool?
– Youtube video of Chet shooting Arabs in Iraq.
– Does Dr. Wonderfinger have the same pull in Vegas as Tampa? Was he successful?
– Why can’t Spice poop while on vacation?
– What was Spice’s theme music on the vacation?

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