Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Has Obama decided who will be in his cabinet yet?…What direction are the republicans headed?…
Ned went to an adult establishment earlier today…Bubba recalls going to a peep show booth once
caller – (Tim) doesn’t want to hear Bubba talk about Tyler’s racing anymore…
Manson and Spice imitate go kart sounds…
Bubba decides to not only to talk about Tyler’s racing but to play some race video too…
caller – previous caller is just jealous of Bubba and Tyler…
Talk about QMA and USAC sanctioning organizations…
NASCAR talks to the big three auto makers…
caller – Spice will be a step dad if he gets married…
Spice says that he is not getting married because he has not established a relationship with Tasha’s
son…would Spice teach her son tennis?…what if he wanted to race quarter midgets?…
Talk about getting your kids involved in sports…
caller – spent a ton of money to get his kid involved in quarter midgets and now he doesn’t want to
race any more…
caller – (Tim) calls back to apologize for the comments he made earlier…

Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Camel Toe” song…
New Hogan shirts are now available at…
Why hasn’t anyone brought in video from their small wonder cameras?…
Does 25 Cent have a woman in his life now?…(Sierra?)
25 Cent says he has been dating Sierra for almost a year…
The guys re-enact 25 Cent meeting Sierra’s parents for the first time…Ned plays the dad…
Why hasn’t 25 Cent brought his girlfriend in for an interview…
caller – Sirius replaced Buzzsaw channel with AC/DC channel?…
Play Manson’s “Charlie’s just a friend” song…
The guys listen to some old school rap (Fat Boys)…Spice checks their record sales…
Audio – KGO talk show host Karel fired after Joe the Plumber outburst…
Bubba checks out the pictures of a hot TBOC contestant from Orlando…
caller – pissed off by Sirius XM merger…Why does Bob Dylan have a show?…
caller – doesn’t think he’ll ever get a chance to meet the guys…
Buzzsaw channel will be back on January 9th…

Highlights from segment 3
Play “MTV Cribs Spiceboy Edition” bit…
Artie will be in Los Angeles for a book signing this weekend…
news – Muslim Indonesian man faces accusations of having a contest to marry a twelve year old…
Bubba comments on all of the horrible things that may have been done in the name of religion…
Bubba wonders if there is a way to disprove religion…
Brent talks about a pharmacist in Saudi Arabia that was severely sentenced for prescribing medication to one of the Saudi royal family…
news – Washington voters approve assisted suicide initiative for terminally ill patients…
caller – will Bubba still come to Calgary if not with Sirius?…He’s not allowed to come to USA…
caller – thinks the Playboy channel has been pulled from Sirius too…he also sends video of himself jerking off to his wife…(Playboy really just moved to Channel 99)…
Play Manson’s “Hooked on Homo Talk” bit…
Ralph calls in…could he beat Spice?…Brent called into the wrap up show today about the
allegation that Ralph stole money from the Plaza Hotel…Brent explains the story…
What does Ralph do all day?…Would Ralph do a Bubba makeover some day?…
Ralph talks about Bubba having to do two shows per day…
Bubba explains how he shaves his balls…
Bubba let Doug Goodstein feel Heather’s tits?…
Bubba claims he is disgusted by hearing Spice fuck Tasha between shows…
What does Ralph jerk off to?…
Ralph checks out pictures of Tasha Nicole…

Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “If I Could Shave My Sack” song…
Listener requests to hear an old call…
email – Gas in Wyoming has gone down to $1.75???
email – Doc Johnson offers to make a mold of Heather’s puss…
email – what happened to the unsigned band review?.
email – what is a “double tall man”?…
Ned promises to be at Bubba’s Car Store appearance this weekend…
email – thanks for the kind words about teachers…
Spice is doing the Great American Teach In next week…
email – CP Trav coming to the AC/DC concert in Tampa…
What is Spice doing during Christmas vacation?…
Who is doing afternoon drive on Maxim now?… Did Rich and Covino make the cut?…
Play Manson’s “Three Dumb Cunts Playset” bit…
Is Bubba really live or did he record his final break?..
Bubba takes some calls live to prove that the segment was recorded earlier…

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