Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Spice going to game one of the World Series with Huff and Tasha tonight…
Bubba calls Miller to see how he got tickets to the World Series…
caller – heard guys on WBAB in Long Island shocking people with dog collars…
caller – Howard Stern spoke highly about Bubba on his show today…
caller – would Bubba let Ralph grab Heather’s tits?…what about Amanda?…
Bubba has Jabba model a new merch design that he is considering…
audio – Sarah Palin rambles on like a fool…
Al Qaeda endorses McCain???…
caller – upset that he can’t hit on the females that work at Starbucks…
Play Ned’s “Gay Hallmark Cards” call…
caller – (American Airlines employee) talks about the recent safety fines the company got…
he thinks that they are trying to get part of the government bail out money…

Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Tampa Bay Rays On Fire” song…
Did Tom Taylor (TSS Radio) get so drunk that he asked Ferret to kiss him in Detroit?…
Bubba calls Heather for confirmation of the story…
Russ the Ferret calls in…he says Tom asked him to kiss him multiple times…
Bubba had Craig cut his hair out in the Clem Gym parking lot???…
Tom Taylor (Taylor from TSS Radio) calls in to defend himself…he blames being drunk…
Taylor says that he’s not gay, but he likes Russ?…he likes Tara too?…
Did Ferret fuck Tara while in Detroit?…
Ferret says that Spice hurts his feelings and doesn’t know how to have friends…
Tom Taylor blames the contents of a brownie he was handed for his possible gay actions…
Taylor claims that Ferret did make some advances towards him…
Bubba calls Tara for her version of what happened with Taylor while in Detroit…
Tara admits that she likes to be choked out and have rough sex…
Ned fantasizes about watching Ferret and Taylor going at it…
Tara talks dirty to Ned…Tara offers to give Ned a “hot Carl Harris”…

Highlights from segment 3
caller – (Dave from Canada) isn’t paying attention…
Tucker Carlson and Sam Simon call in to debate…they both want nude pics of Heather…
Sam tells Tucker that he can’t stand hearing him on the show…doesn’t understand why he’s on…
Tucker and Sam debate about the candidates, the war and more…
Tucker says that Canadians are not fully human and slow…
What do the guys think about Sarah Palin using her special needs child as a prop…
play the classic “West Virginia DNA hot tub dances” call…

Highlights from segment 4
caller – from Beckley West Virginia…talks about the hot tub strip clubs…
caller – Tucker is a fucking asshole and he would like to hurt him…
caller – calls shenanigans on the hot tub dances caller…
caller – wants to date Tara…
caller – has a big crush on John McCain’s wife Cindy…
Backstreet Boys to sing the national anthem at the Rays game tonight…
news – 31 members of the Outlaw biker gang arrested…
audio – Sarah Palin continues to attack Obama’s records and associations…
news – Bush may plan a second economic stimulus package?…
Why does America give so much money to other countries?…
caller – thought the segment between Sam Simon and Tucker Carlson sucked…
caller – debates with Brent and Manson about the government bail out…
Play Ned’s “Cartoon Muslim” call…
Bubba plays audio from WBAB (Roger and JP) stealing the shock collar deal…
Bubba would like to flex his “Cox muscle” and get the WBAB show fired…

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