Sirius XM (2006-2010)


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Highlights from segment 1
Ned feels great…just back from the bar…
Chance to win 20 pairs of Bubbapalooza Detroit tickets on…
Breast milk brunch tomorrow morning…
Sam Simon wants to call in and debate Tucker Carlson…
Bubba is worn down and can’t stifle his yawns…
caller – question about voting for Bob Barr…apologizes for going off on Bubba in the past…
Spice went out to lunch with Manson and Donna to have a meeting…Bubba gets pissed…
Spice says that Bubba doesn’t listen to anything that he says…
None of the guys have ever taken Bubba out to dinner and paid…
caller – a Maxim show is claiming that they will have Sarah Palin on?… happened to be doing a story on Google Trends the day that Bubba got
Scott Greenstein to the top of the list…
Gary Dell ‘Abate calls in…talk about the grueling schedule BTLS show has this year…
Gary promotes the Super Fan Celebrity Round Table Show that airs soon…
talk about the Dustin Diamond sex tape…looks like it might have been a total work…
Gary gives an Artie update…Bubba tells Gary about his Hogan deposition testimony…
Gary asks Bubba who he is supporting in the presidential election…
Talk about Bret Favre as a Jet…Gary asks Bubba about his contract at Sirius…
Gary talks about a politician he is endorsing (Jim Himes)…
Gary offers to set Bubba up with a Maureen McCormick interview for some Jim Himes love…
Gary surprised to hear rumor about Nikki Ziering getting knocked up by Brutus…
Bubba calls Nikki Ziering’s cell phone…she admits that she is pregnant but says that the father
is most likely her boyfriend…Nikki claims that she didn’t sleep with anyone else during taping…
High pitched Eric calls in…he once went on a date with Nikki…
Play Manson’s “Caylee’s Mom” song…

Highlights from segment 2
Audio – Rays update…(changing pitchers)…
Play Ned’s “Tampa Bay Rays On Fire” song…
15 pairs of tickets still available for Bubba trivia on…
Bubba reads a list of the top ten cities that google BTLS the most…
caller – Bubba needs to come to Toronto…
caller – comment about Ralph’s top ten list from Howard’s wedding…
caller – does Ned have a new show rider for Detroit?…
caller – confused after watching the debate last night…has a tax cut question…
Bubba asks the listeners to vote based on something other then the candidate’s tax plans…
Bubba doesn’t think that wars are “winnable” in this day and age…
caller – every candidate claims that they won’t increase taxes…and they always do…
Talk about the presidential debate last night…is there really a “Joe the Plumber”???…
caller – McCain spent too much time in a box…still fighting Viet Nam war…
Ned brings in a new call “Gay Hallmark Cards”…

Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Jimmy Jamz Was Kung Fu Fighting” song…
Bubba explains the Breast milk Brunch scheduled for tomorrow…
caller – will Bubba be allowed to do the “Shit Off” again this year?…
Latest Oliver Stone movie “W” garnering lots of controversy already…
Stone should have cast Manson to play Bush…
Bubba wants to go see the movie but none of the guys want to go with him?…
News – Black radio host (WTMJ) gets heat for controversial comments about Obama…
audio – Al Jazeera reporter interviews McCain supporters in Ohio…
Bubba would like to send 25 Cent interview old people at a local senior community…
audio – Dick Cheney explains why invading Iraq a bad idea in 1994…
Bubba plays an Anti-Bush bit medley including:
Manson’s “Rage Against the Machine” parodies…
Manson’s “The Decider” bit…and Manson’s “W Dice Clay” bit…

Highlights from segment 4
Audio – Palin calls New Hampshire the “northwest”…
Audio – Rush Limbaugh demonstrates his paranoid racism…
Bubba predicts that the show will be more popular than Rush Limbaugh in the future…
Play Ned’s new “Gay Hallmark Call” without interruption to end the show…

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