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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Bubba is impressed with the Bubba Raw 2 DVD that the guys are working on…
Tyler had the race of his life this weekend…
Listeners got Scott Greenstein to the Google Trends number one spot…
Breaking news – Financial bail out bill does not pass …
Bubba is disappointed that both candidates were backing the bail out…
caller – Brent must have had a bad weekend with the Gators loss…
caller – congratulations on the Google Trends ranking…(Philly and Phoenix the best)…
caller – BTLS mentioned on TMZ with Linda Hogan park bench pictures…
Lots of college football upsets this weekend…
caller – Tony Stewart ran over Brian Vicker’s gas man…
caller – Does Brent predict more voter fraud this election?…
caller – rumor around Green Bay about Aaron Rogers sprained shoulder…
News – Detroit officer found hung…Chinese milk issues…will Palin be asked to step down?…
Tim McCreedy wore his lucky Tyler Clem shirt and won $60,000 in the past two weeks…
Replay Ned’s classic “Wiki wiki” outburst by request…
News – Sarah Palin has accepted lots of free gifts in her short term as Governor of Alaska…
caller – (in Warsaw IN) is it cheating to smell another girls panties if you are married?…
Brent looks up an Indiana High School football team’s record…(Rick Meyer talk)…
caller – (Hooknose Mike) hung out in Vegas with Heather Wiz…talks about his internet radio
show…he claims he has over 7000 listeners at one time…
caller – (from Wisconsin) continues the Favre / Rogers comparison talk…
Highlights from segment 2
Play “Spice Wants To Fuck Your Wife” song…
Bubba sings along to some James Taylor…
email – Scott Greenstein listed as volcanic on Google Trends…
email – request Ned’s live parody “Sittin Behind Bars”…
Bubba needed to break quickly to take care of some local business…
Talk about the presidential debate…neither candidate really said anything of substance…
Obama kept calling McCain by different names…
audio – Ted Nugent wants to vote out all of congress…
What do the guys predict is in store for the country?…Mason predicts the end of American
democracy…Brent predicts a totalitarian police state if the bail out goes through and the dollar is
Audio – Bush speaks about his financial bail out plans before it was denied by congress…
Play Manson’s “McCain’s Vetting Process” bit…
Bubba has late breaking news and a big scoop for a local Fox station…
Brent calls to offer the scoop to the local Fox affiliate but can’t whisper the details over the phone…
Former Assistant State Attorney Kevin J. Napper arrested for soliciting prostitution in Tampa…
email – claims that Spice once donned womens clothing and tried to hitch hike from Indiana…
caller – (Canadian) wants to get a Bubba Army tattoo on his head…
Discuss what city Bubbapalooza should go to in Canada…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Bill Clinton at the DNC” bit…
caller – Playboy magazine compared Adderall to Crystal Meth…(and Savannah formerly of the
Monster’s radio show is bar tending in Cocoa Beach Florida)…
News – FEMA wasted about $50 Million after Hurricane Katrina…
caller – Bubba needs to quit bashing the bail out package…it should help the housing market…
caller – has Bubba heard from Henry and Yvette recently?…Kimbo and Shamrock question…
caller – heard that XM has a channel strictly for pilots…Sirius XM merger question…
caller – pissed off his wife by buying a Sirius radio…needs to find a Tampa hangout…
caller – Gary Scelzi finally won a round in NHRA…
Bubba and Ned leave Gary Scelzi a congratulatory voicemail…
Play Ned’s “Cartoon Muslim” call…
caller – can Bubba play Ned’s XM call now that the merger went through?…
caller – saw Greg the Hammer and Brutus the Barber Beefcake recently…
caller – did Bubba find out who broke the Clem Gym dumbbell?…claims to know that AJ wrote
the note about the broken dumbbell…how many people does AJ train at Bubba’s gym?…
caller – saw BTLS text on screen at a Pirates game…
Highlights from segment 4
Bubba plays the previously banned Ned – XM call…
Bubba recaps the quarter midget race from this past weekend…and plays a clip of the race for
Manson and Brent to check out…It was Tyler’s best finish ever in this new division…
caller – the Spiceboy trucker bit was actually the Monsters not Bubba…
caller – wants to get a Bubba Army tattoo and “big fucking stickers” on his rig…
caller – what does Bubba think about the upcoming Kimbo vs. Ken Shamrock fight?…
Spice comes back into the studio…
Audio – Bill O’Reilly melts down…blames Bush for the economy issues…
caller – McCready did wear his Tyler Clem shirt at the Knoxville Nationals…
caller – claims that you can order Bubba Raw DVD from Blockbuster…
caller – didn’t like hearing Tyler’s go kart racing audio…
Audio – Sarah Palin locks up during interview with Katie Couric…
Manson predicts that Palin will faint during the debates…
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