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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned is acting like a hack for putting his boots on eBay…
caller –Tim McCreedy won a $20000 pot…Ned leaves him a message…
caller – Howard played Ned’s new live song on his show today…
Bubba calls Tim McCreedy who is in Knoxville, IA getting ready to run nationals…
Has Spice heard back from his Miami MILF?…She hasn’t sent him photos yet…
Bubba calls Gary Scelzi to see if he has heat with him…Gary says that the Bubba Army greases him
everywhere he goes…and some of them are dicks…
Gary says that he is done with NHRA next year but he is not retiring…
Why do listeners ruin bits for the show all the time?…and give the guests so much shit?…
On any other team Aubrey Huff would be an MVP…
Play Ned’s “Horseshit Town” song…
Play Ned’s “TNN Stripperella” call…
Breaking news – (Fox) Clay Aiken is gay…
Oil speculators jacked up the cost of fuel for one day until their contract ends…
News – Prison judge (Thompson) used a penis pump while presiding over court cases…
News – 13 Billion dollars in Iraq aid has been wasted or stolen…
Highlights from segment 2
Lisa the Miami MILF calls in…she claims that her husband threatened to shoot her if she left him…
Spice decides that he doesn’t want to get shot by Lisa’s husband…
caller – is the Bubba Factor effecting Obama’s poll numbers in Tampa?…
Bubba is the only major broadcaster in Tampa that has openly endorsed Obama…
Bubba stated earlier today that Obama and McCain should come together to take care of the bail
out situation…later today McCain came out and made a similar statement…
Live coverage – Obama talks about the financial crisis from Florida…
Did someone from the McCain camp hear Bubba’s idea?….
Platy Ned’s “Sittin Behind Bars” song…
Bubba is convinced that Obama’s people got their recent idea from listening to the show…
Obama called McCain at 8am this morning…Bubba made his comment around 7am…
caller – (Christpuncher) thinks show bits are getting ruined by Joe the Super Mark…
Christpuncher asks to speak to George W. Bush (Manson) about the new “Bush” movie…
Bubba plays some of the “Riding With A Legend” country music song to punish Spice…
news – Sarah Palin lover revealed in a National Enquirer exclusive (Brad Hansen)…
Brent and Dave determine that Bubba made his statement at 8:08 am this morning…
Bubba decides that Obama could have still gotten his budget meeting idea from him…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Teardrops Falling On Bubba’s Bed” song…
caller – Tampa Bay Bucs kickers 6 month old son died last night…(Matt Bryant)…
caller – does Bubba really think that Obama would use his idea?…
caller – tries to rain on Bubba’s parade about his Obama / McCain idea…
caller – Bubba is one of the most powerful men in the country…
Bubba plays the audio clip of his Obama and McCain idea from earlier today…
email – why isn’t Bubba on the Sirius talk programming survey?…
email – Tampa Bay area makes the Olbermann show…is it the Bubba Factor?…(play the audio)…
email – Gary Scelzi was pleasant when he met him…
Bubba got his “special reserve deputy” badge yesterday…does it give him any real power?…
Bubba leaves a message for Kurt Angle…
The guys get the studio ready for topless Wii…
Tim Donaghy talk…how many games has he rigged?…
Campbell Brown asks why Sarah Palin hasn’t done any question and answer press conferences?…
News – PETA wants Ben and Jerry’s to use human breast milk in their ice cream…
Is PETA copying Bubba too?…
Highlights from segment 4
The girls from the Penthouse Club stop by for a round of Topless Wii Olympics…
(Jasmine Hannah and Lee-lee)…Lee-lee won the TBOC contest…
Spice denies having screwed Lee-lee…but he did mess around with one of her co-workers…
The girls are playing for kitchen items like toasters and steak knives…
Lee-lee and Jasmine play Topless Wii Tennis…
Penthouse Club girls Lee-lee and Hanna play Topless Wii boxing…
Hannah actually has some form and takes Lee-lee down…
Bubba would like to arrange an actual fight for Hannah…possibly a battle of the titty clubs…
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