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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned has been trying to sell his used boots on eBay…
Bubba was shot out of a cannon at the meeting, but hit the wall right before the show…
Scelzi claims that the listeners are greasing him way too much…
Aubrey Huff has mentioned that the fans have been causing him some grief too…
Bubba calls Heather to see if she has a Wii Fitness…
Tyler has a homecoming?…why do kids have graduations almost every year now?…
caller – Howard said he would pick Bubba in a fight against Bob Levy…
Talk about a Packer’s first round draft pick (Justin Harrell) that is injured and can’t play…
caller – does Ned have a brother in Fort Lauderdale?…
email – self proclaimed MILF wants to get screwed once a month by Spice…
Bubba plays some of the messages from the new 877-Bubba-FU line…
Bubba tries to call the guy that wants to suck Ned’s dick (phone number tones removed from edit)
caller – sticks up for Justin Harrell…
Bubba reads an email about the cost of the Federal bailout…and a possible better scenario…
It would be more cost effective to bail out the American citizens than to bail out companies…
Manson checks the math in the email and figures out that it’s not correct at all…
caller – (Wendy the Plumber) gave Gary Scelzi a present…
Ned’s boots on eBay have gone up to $197 and still haven’t met the reserve…
caller – still trying to defend the faulty math in the bailout email that Bubba got…
Fox News – woman burnt to death after doing the most badass burnout ever…
How much money could Lummox have made if he got video of Linda Hogan?…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Acid On My Tongue” song…
Spice tries to get the MILF that wants to screw him…but she’s at work…
Bubba calls the guy (Tony the gay FTE) that left Spice a really gay voicemail…
Tony explains how he sucks guys off that he meets at truck stop salad bars…
Play Ned’s “Lesbian Convoy” song…
Ned’s boots on eBay still haven’t met the reserve…
caller – (Richard) claims that his wife (Amanda) doesn’t give him enough road head…(gets Evil)…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Ned And Spice Have Phone Sex” bit…
Audio – McCain tries to defend his economic advisors…Obama redefines “maverick”…
Why has the Terror Alert been raised?…is it a sham to boost McCain’s poll numbers?…
Bubba calls Lisa (Kristen) the MILF that wants to fuck Spice once a month…
Lisa would like Spice to send her photos of his cock…and she insists on the use of a condom…
Spice agrees to get a little crazy if Lisa is willing to pay him…and shave bald eagle…
Spice may waive his $100 fee if he likes the pictures she sends him…
Donna Waters shows up with a $100 bill for Spice…and she wants to lick Spice’s ass too…
Donna claims that Manson lasts for five or ten minutes during sex…
caller – (Tom the Dentist) has been holding for over an hour…Tom shares some insight into the
world of dentistry…Tom ranks his favorite BTLS staffers…
caller – Ned has some negative feedback on eBay…
Will Donna show off her tits?…Would Manson even care if the guys “touched on them”?…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Sittin Behind Bars” song…
email – what is the Hogan arm workout?…
Bubba tells the guys to bring in personal items to sell on eBay…
email – wants a Hot Carl from Ned…
Bubba thanks Howard for his kind words earlier on his show today…
What would heaven be like if Howard ran it?…
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