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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Is Russ back in town?…Is he avoiding Bubba or just not getting his email?…
Why can’t Russ get girls from any of the local clubs to show up for the Tee Ball bit…
caller – has some Gary Scelzi information…Gary isn’t very friendly when asked about Bubba…
Bubba tries to call Gary, but gets chucked to voicemail…
Breaking News – oil prices jump up $25…
caller – (Canadian) talks about the crappy American economy…everyone is getting ass raped…
caller – Scotty Ferrall comment…
caller – Gary Sheffield got hit during a game…
news – Judge denies West Memphis Three a new trial…
Blind Lawrence calls in…he has memorized the newest BTLS album on iTunes…
Bubba describes the Blindfolded Human Tee Ball…
News – Travis barker and DJ AM escape from a burning plane wreck…
Play Ned’s “Sittin Behind Bars” song…
caller – offers up his wife’s “milky titties” for the Breast Milk Brunch…
Bubba is frustrated by his weight gain even with all of the working out he’s been doing…
Bubba requests old topless photos of Spice to compare his recent weight loss…
News story about devil worshipping teens…
Bubba promotes the new 877-BUBBA-FU voicemail line…
will Bubba offer any info on his most recent female “situation”?…
Bubba proposes a BRN staff football game…full tackle with pads…
Lummox comes into the studio to tell his Linda Hogan story from this weekend…
Lummox saw Linda Hogan passed out on a park bench at Clearwater Beach…
Ned is in love with Linda Hogan…Bubba admits to having seen Hogan’s cock before…
caller – has Spice become a degenerate yet?…Spice takes a call from mortgage company live…
caller – heard that Hogan was going to come back to the wrestling business…
caller – Enjoyed the interview with S.E. Cupp…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Manson’s “That Whore Is Japanese” song…
The new Bubba Hate Line is already full…
Bubba blew Spice off this weekend because Heather had a minor surgery…
Since Spice doesn’t want to talk about anything, would he be willing to work in an off-air
position?…Spice claims that he is “indifferent”…
Hogan calls in…he cut Bubba off earlier because Nick called him…
Bubba tells Hogan the Linda Hogan story that Lummox came in with today…
Linda was complaining about having to drive all the way to the jail to see Nick…
Hogan pitches a new shirt idea…and talks about Brooke’s recent interview on Howard’s show…
Is Hogan getting back into the business?…
Hogan pitches some money making ideas…he even has his own chicken sandwich…
Play Manson’s “Hogan Operator” song…
Bubba got heat with Spice’s choice of music at the gym (Sirius Faction channel 28)…
Bubba plays a clip of an interview with Jake the Snake on an internet show…
Bubba calls Hogan back to get some more info on Jake the Snake…
Hogan recalls working with Macho Man…
Jake the Snake claims that he has no idea where he’s been…maybe he was drugged…
Play Manson’s classic wrestling parody “Real World Order”…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “Suck Dick In Heaven” song…
Brent recaps the Artie and Ralph drama from Howard’s show earlier…
Reebok squashes Chad Johnson’s dream of being called “Ocho Cinco”…
NASCAR talk…Bubba says hi to his buddy Gooch (Tony’s gas man) just had a new baby boy…
caller – Al Harris is out for the year due to a spleen injury…
caller – son helped build the ring for the Jake the Snake match…he feel that Jake is full of shit…
Bubba listens to a clip of Scotty Ferrall’s show…a caller talked about Tyler’s racing…
Scotty brought up the whole Bob Levy comment about Bubba’s parenting skills…
What qualifies Tyler as a good racer?…Bubba talks about another great quarter midget racer
Michael Atwell that is on Bubba’s race team…
Highlights from segment 4
B-Fudd calls in…he verbally agrees to jack Ned off with a priest’s son…or Jackie Gleason…
caller – is the guy that called into Ferrall’s show about Tyler Clem racing…
caller – TMZ just aired the Linda Hogan photos and gave Bubba full credit…
listener email – liked the S.E. Cupp interview…put the new Ned live song on iTunes…where does
Spice get his clothing?…
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