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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned doesn’t mind the down time between situations…
Bubba explains how to email the lawmakers of Indiana to support the Sheriff’s in the state…
news – No charges for ex-representative Mark Foley…
Audio – Obama reacts to McCain’s recent statements on the economy being strong…
Audio – Palin says “Palin and McCain administration”…Manson impersonates McCain…
News – huge train wreck in LA cased by text messaging…
news – the economy is so bad that people are living in storage units…
Bubba proposes a show camping trip…none of the guys think this is a good idea…
Bubba considers a trip to a tropical resort instead…(Atlantis or Sandals?)…
Live coverage – Bush speaks about the government bail out…
caller – Spice is part of the problem by defaulting on his mortgage…(Wally George book mention
Play Manson’s “George W Bush Press Conference” bit…
caller – thanks Bubba for talking about the economy issues…
caller – China and India need a ton of oil…he gets Evel Kenevil…
News – Deficit up $246 Billion in one year (153% in one year)…
Audio – Ron Paul predicted economic collapse over a year ago…
Why hasn’t technology allowed us to have less military presence in other countries?
News – Canadian man mauled by bear that attacked his boat…
Manson wanted to rescue a spider that Bubba and Spice were trying to kill at the Clem Gym…
The new basketball net has been installed at the Clem Gym…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Kicking You Out” song…
caller – offers more reasons to not vote for Obama…
Billy Vegas sent burgers from his new restaurant in Red Rock called “LBS”…
Audio – clip of Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson (the Bush Doctrine)…
Brent has come to the realization that Sarah Palin is a hillbilly…
Sarah Palin couldn’t be governor of any state but Alaska…
Bubba is distracted with thoughts of racing this weekend…and he’s a little horny…
Bubba proposes a “breast milk brunch” for Tom the Tree Man…
Play Manson’s “Terrell Owens and Deion Sanders” bit…
Highlights from segment 3
Conservative author Sarah Elizabeth Cupp (S.E. Cupp) calls in to promote her book “Why you
were wrong about the right”
Bubba’s agent Tom Bean, a fellow Cornell alumni, sits in on the S.E. Cupp interview…
Sarah defends Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson…
Bubba offers to let Sarah come on the show occasionally to offer a conservative opinion…
Sarah is an Atheist and doesn’t believe that right wingers force religion on people…she is also
a George W. Bush fan…
Tom Bean offers his opinion on the situation in Iraq…
Brent stumps Sarah with some military stats and Iraq questions…
The military would be fighting two wars a day if George W. Bean was president…
Tom Bean wants to fight Spice…
College football talk with Tom Bean who is a Florida State fan…
Ned and Spice have been practicing a new live song “Sittin’ Behind Bars”…
Scout and Big Gulp call in…it takes a while to pick up CB lingo…
Ned thinks that Bubba is a WBFTE (wanna be FTE)…
Highlights from segment 4
Audio – Spice confronts the Improv handler today after canceling the Pauley Shore interview…
Bubba sets up Ned’s and Spice’s reverb for their live song…and takes forever to get it right…
Ned and Spice perform their much anticipated live version of “Sittin’ behind bars”…
Bubba mandates that Ned and Spice perform the new song live…
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