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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Spice plans on going on a date with Tasha Nicole the STROBE girl…
Caller – talked to a Sirius rep that claimed that Bubba would not be re-signed…
Caller – (christpuncher) saw John D’bella…
Caller – Israel the FTE asks about Bubba’s contract with Sirius…
News – White House claims to have lost months of emails…
Bubba has a difficult time saying Schwarzenegger…
Bubba agrees to try to not talk about merchandise or Bubbapalooza today…
Mark Spitz is being a real dick now…
Controversy over one of Michael Phelp’s wins…can they take his medal?…
News – Jacksonville police are looking for a man that attacked a DJ and cut his eyes out…
Play Ned’s “Tyler Sing Along” bit…
Bubba’s iPod hangs him out to dry on the bumper music…talk about Bono and old U2 music…
Caller – (Blind James) won a bet about Sammy Hagar’s age with Brent…
Email – listener has been to four Bubbapaloozas…
Email – comment about Chip having to read the Rainbow Bridge poem after his dog died…
Chip comes in to give an update on his new girlfriend…he has told her that he loves her already…
Where is Chip’s dead dog’s corpse buried?…Chip denies ever having let his dog lick peanut
butter from his balls…
Chip tells Bubba about a woman (Heather) that told Mark Anthony she wants to lick Bubba’s balls…
Play Ned’s “Our Song” parody…
Highlights from segment 2
Spice calls the woman (Heather) that wants to lick Bubba’s balls…she denies wanting to lick balls…
Talk about why Tony Stewart left Joe Gibbs Racing…
Audio – Joe Gibbs Racing cheating scandal…
News audio – retarded man accused of sexually assaulting a boy he was babysitting…
Caller – Canadian guy is now a god due to mastering the two finger deal…
Did Brent receive “Fire and Ice” blowjobs in the Philippines?…
Caller – (Don) accidentally knocked up a short fat bitch…needs advice…Bubba requests to talk to
the girl…but the numbers he gives don’t pan out…
Mark Anthony calls in to explain the ball licking story he told Heather…he was just using some
cool guy hip language and Chip didn’t understand…
Caller – Howard Stern already had a dead body in his studio…
Bubba marks out to the kid playing Mike Wallace’s cousin in the Geico commercial…
Spice shows how superficial he really is by ripping on pictures of Misty May…
Dr mark in studio to answer men’s health questions…
Caller – load volume too small after vasectomy…
Spice is proud of his pop shot now…used to dribble, now hits his tits…
Caller – fells better now on Androgel…
According to Bubba, Hogan once had a testosterone level of 2000…
Bubba was all horned up last night and gladly accepted a handjob…
Caller – test level of 380…is it still to low?…
Who is more ripped, Manson or Dr mark?…will they do a pose off?…
Spice and Manson get topless and compare their upper bodies…
Highlights from segment 3
Bubba replays Chip’s reading of “Rainbow Bridge”…
Ned has Bubba get his re verb ready so he can sing a new live song… “Seven Things”…
Bubba gets heat with Ned for using so much cheap heat in his crappy song…
Ned crumples up his song lyrics and throws them at Bubba…
Bubba fucks with Ned’s vocal effects some more which causes Ned to go into a major rant…
Play Manson’s “Large Ejaculation” song…
Jabba heads to the green room to ask Tasha Nichole if she really plans on going out with Spice…
and to see if he has a chance with her…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Sex With Granny” song…
Strobe magazine girl Tasha Nichole in studio…Bubba claims he would write heather a check for
a chance to be with Tasha…
Tasha heard that Spice has a girlfriend and a cock piercing…
Spice heard a rumor that Tasha was into black schlong…she denies the rumor…
Why hasn’t Tasha had a serious relationship since her son’s father left her?..
Bubba farts into his mic during the interview…would Tasha ever fart in front of Bubba?…
Tasha describes what a photo shoot for Playboy is like…she turned down an offer from Hustler…
Will Spice fuck up this opportunity too?…
Spice asked Tasha out during the break…
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