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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Chip has had two deaths in his family recently (grandfather and dog)…
Chip’s mom didn’t lock the gate correctly and his dog escaped and got hit by a car…
Caller – saw Spice sucking Brent’s toe on Break.com…
Spice was afraid to beat off for weeks after his dad died…afraid he was watching him…
Bubba makes Chip look at pictures of his dog and his grandfather…
Chip shares the details about where he drops his loads with his girlfriend…
Chip claims he had to instruct his girlfriend how to give head…and he doesn’t give her oral…
Chip’s old job has made counter offers to bring him back…
Caller – Opie and Anthony still talking shit
Caller – requests to hear the “Dion vs. 25 Cent” talk break…
Caller – Chip should read the Rainbow Bridge poem…
Bubba replays “Deion Rips On 25 Cent” segment…
Play Ned’s “Camel Toe” song…
Chip comes in to read the poem Rainbow Bridge which is about losing a pet…
Bubba creates a re-enactment of the accident that killed Chip’s dog with sound effects…
Chip reads a second poem about losing a loved one…
Bubba peruses through a CD of music that Carl Harris handed him…
Bubba offers to buy Chip another dog…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Manson’s “Bands That Say Fuck On The Radio” bit…
Was it a good idea to have the Olympics in China?…
Talk about Michael Phelps the “human dolphin”…
Caller – question about campaign funds…
Delta planning to offer wifi on flights…
Caller – (Eddie for CO) sent photos of his wife Rachel…the guys check out pictures of the
listeners that want to fuck Eddies wife Rachel…
Bubba calls “Coal Miner Bill” and leaves a message…
Comedian Jim Florentine calls in…
Jim talks about his recent break up with Robin Quivers…
Jim felt “uncultured” when around Robin…and claims that they never had a big argument…
Marianne from Brooklyn calls in to grease Jim about the break up…
Jim says he made love to Robin, but didn’t say he loved her…
Marianne pissed that Artie called her a cunt…
Did the Howard 100 news cause the problems between Jim and Robin?…
Bubba tells Jim that farting around women is healthy and Jim should have farted around Robin…
Bubba entertains himself by pissing on Heather’s face while in the shower sometimes…
Jim steers away from talking about sex with Robin…
Did Steve Langford destroy Jim’s relationship with Robin?…
Bubba admits that he has beat off to Robin before…and shares his story…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Grover’s “Getting Hungry” song…
Bubba hopes to be able to work with Randy Michaels again in the future…
Jabba heads into the green room to meet the Fetish con girls…
Coal Miner Bill calls in…he wants a chance to screw Rachel from Colorado…Bubba gets Rachel’s
husband Eddie on the phone to see if Coal Miner Bill is acceptable for screwing his wife…
The guys agree to set up the wife swap for two weeks from now…
Play Manson’s “Dong Song”…
Caller – Bubba scooped Stern with the Florentine interview…(imitating Bubba)…
Caller – Is Coal Miner Bill worried about getting screened for STD’s?…
Caller – from Asheville North Carolina talks politics…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “McCain Is Too Fucking Old For Me” song…
Fetish Con girls in studio (Mandy Taylor, Katrina Cassidy, Ashley Fires, Michelle Peters)
Ashley explains her love of balls sweat…
The girls talk about some of the weirder fetishes that can be found at Fetish Con…and share
their squirting stories…
Fetish Con girls in studio (continued)…
The girls brought a Violet Wand with them and use it to torture Katrina in the torture rack…
Michelle does shots of the guys sweat and chooses Spice’s to be the tastiest of the bunch…
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