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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
The guys fill in for Bubba today while he is in court…
Talk about the Olympics (Team handball and Michael Phelps the human dolphin)…
What do Olympic athletes do after they win a medal?…only a few of them are memorable…
Caller – Michael Phelps consumes 8000 or more calories a day…
Caller – talk about Olympic athletes amazing lung capacity…
Caller – Michael Phelps agent claims Michael will make hundreds of millions of dollars…
Spice has been obsessing about how he will die…
Caller – (Jim) talk about Greg Louganis and Mark Spitz…also asks Spice what is it about Obama’s
policy plans does he like?…
Talk about how lobbyists have ruined the way that our system is supposed to work…
Caller – corrects some Olympic fact errors that were discussed earlier…
Talk about the Chinese lip syncing scandal at the opening ceremony…
News – health benefits for men and women that masturbate?…
Spice jacks off to help him sleep…the guys discuss their jacking off technique…
Spice admits that he sometimes lets it ride in his pants after jacking off…
Caller – Bubba Army getting some love on ESPN today…
Caller – (Glen) guys doing a great job filling in…claims he jerks off with condiments…he also
challenges Spice to a cock piercing tug of war…
News – Vern Troyer suing his ex girlfriend for $20 Million…
Caller – claims he always forgets to clean up his cum rags…
Spice once caught his old roommate jacking…
Spice dropped a pants size…he is now a 34…
Caller – did the guys watch the Green bay game last night?…Aaron Rogers looked like Favre?…
Talk about the last UFC fight…Donna marked out to Roger Huerta then screwed Manson…
Caller – claims to have been a resident athlete (weight lifter) at Colorado Springs…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Afro American Pie” song…
Manson expresses his hatred for Ben Stiller movies…
Tropic Thunder movie getting heat over the use of the word “retard”…
Caller – managed to get pats airport security and onto a commercial airplane with a knife…
Brent tells a caller that he can’t do “any unnecessary talking” right now…
Talk about profiling at airports…and flying on private jets…
Caller – was upset when Spice first came back to the show…
Price is Right model search is coming to Tampa area…Who was more of a filthy Bob Barker or
Richard Dawson?…
Caller – Bob Barker used to have girls reach into his pockets…
News – actor from 40 Year Old Virgin arrested for stabbing his girlfriend…
Caller – will Obama ever support a flat tax?…explains his tax evasion issues…
Bubba shows up from his emergency court proceedings…
Jack Stifle is supposedly having pizza delivered to the show today…
News – a Fort Wayne man seen standing naked in his window while conducting a lewd act with
a plastic bag a claw hammer and some motor oil…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Bible Stories With Eminem – Noah’s Ark” bit…
Caller – FTE buddy turned him on to the show…now he loves it…
Bubba drove a 46 foot RV down to Naples this weekend…he tried to talk on his CB radio…
Manson used to drive a rock truck and couldn’t stand his CB…Bubba imitates what Manson may
have sounded like on his CB…
caller – what did Bubba wear to court today?…
Isaac Hayes end of life time line…Scientology forced Isaac Hayes to quit South Park…
Ned realizes that he doesn’t own the rights to any of his music…
Caller – share the story about how he lost his virginity to a deaf girl…
Caller – asks the guys about the band “The Genitorturers”…
News – “Preppy Killer” headed back to prison…
Is it so hard to be a good person in life?…
News – Iowa man (Hung Doc Vu) accused of using a razor blade to neuter his dog…
Has Ned ever fucked a dog or a chicken?…
Play Manson’s “Hey There Stiff Donna” song…
Bubba and Manson mark out to James Taylor…
While in Cleveland, should Bubba get as fucked up as he did in Atlantic City?…
Russ calls in about a possible Cleveland after party at the Agora…and releases a few VIP tickets…
Email – Maxwell and Rover are calling out the “Buzzard Army” in a video they released…
Caller – flied into a “hick fit” when he caught a tweaker trying to steal his car stereo…now he is
being sued by the guy…
Jim McClure (Ichabod Cage) calls in…he thinks that Bubba needs to maintain in Cleveland…
Bubba would like to have Tom the Tree Man get his prostate checked with Tater Mitts…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Hitler Doll” call…
Bubba calls the Agora theater to see if there are any VIP tix left…
Email – had much success with the two finger deal…
Email – Joe the Super Mark made it onto the Howard wrap up show…
Would Heather make out better if she divorced Bubba or if he died?…
How much life insurance does Bubba have on himself?…(Five Million dollars)…
Play Ned’s “Get Angry Brent Hatley” song by request…
Play Ned’s “Our Song” parody…
The guys all negated their cardio by eating too much Pizza Hut pizza and apple fritters…
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