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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Manson broke down and took a crap at the building today…what is his shit like?…
Bubba had mirrors and Fat Head decals put up at the Clem Gym today…
Caller – Favre is not at practice today, he’s meeting with Ted Thompson…
Bubba doesn’t understand why the Packer’s are screwing around with Favre…
Caller – a furniture store is ripping off Bubbaisms in their advertisements…
Caller – how much Adderall is Bubba taking?…
Caller – why didn’t Bubba have Lexi Love squirt in studio?…
The guys theorize what the Packers might be doing and what Favre has in mind…
Play Manson’s “Who Wants To Be A Minority Millionaire?” bit…
Brent has a cyst on his vocal cords that needs to be surgically removed…he has been vaporizing
his weed instead of smoking it…
Russ is looking into some Canada Bubbapalooza dates…
Would Brent consider quitting pot if the doctor ordered it?…
Caller – Ted Thompson’s ego is source of the Favre issues…
Caller – The Packers should let Favre train Aaron Rogers…
Caller – had the same vocal cord issue that Brent had…Brent won’t be able to talk for three weeks
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Hamms Beer” bit…
Bubba ordered new Toyo tires for his F-350…
Spice may have some breaking OJ Simpson news to unveil soon…
Tucker Carlson calls in…he explains why he has so much heat with Jon Stewart…
Bubba asks Tucker about any fraternizing between politicians and the media…
Tucker talks about some standout convention parties he has been to…
Tucker does not agree with Brent that the Republican party is filled with bigots…
The Hogan divorce depositions make the news…Bubba explains Hogan’s affair with Brooke’s
tour manager to Tucker…
Bubba also explains the Kate Kennedy story from back in the day…she claimed that Hogan
sexually assaulted her in 1996…
Linda canceled Hogan’s personal umbrella coverage?…
Tucker rejects the idea of suing someone…says he will never sue…
Tucker refuses to answer any sexual relationship questions involving his wife…
News – Ohio inmate says he is too fat for execution…
News – a woman kills her husband after an argument over Bruce Springsteen…
Caller – Opie and Anthony have been talking shit about Bubba…
Bubba addresses Opie and Anthony shit talking accusations and challenges them to a fight…
Brent and Spice wouldn’t mind getting in on some of the Opie and Anthony fight action…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Unfair Advantage Game” bit…
Reports are coming out that Bret Favre is coming to the Tampa Bay Bucs…
Bubba tunes into live coverage…
Play Manson’s “Favre” song…
The guys are planning a Porn Swap of all their old porn…
Bubba threw out all of his old porn!?!?!
How will Bubba feel if Bret Favre doesn’t like his show?…
Bubba tunes into the live Packers press conference with coach Mike McCarthy…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “If Bubba Had A Million Dollars” song…
Caller – (manager at Five Guys Burgers) tries to explain the taste secret…
Bubba only orders his burger with double ketchup bacon and cheese…
Listener email – able to grab the only copy of the Bubba Raw DVD in his local store…
Mike McCarthy seems to be indicating that Favre is done with the Packers…
Email – is the Bubba Raw CD being sold in Canada?…
More Bret Favre speculation…
(Short segment to make up time)
Audio – Aaron Rogers tell the media “I’m the starter”…
Is Bubba still going to be a Packers fan if they let Favre leave?…
Hogan stops by the studio with Eric Bischoff…he doesn’t seem worried about the recent Linda
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