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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 13, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned went to the hospital this weekend for high blood pressure issues…
Caller – talk about the Steve Smith fight (Carolina Panthers)…
Caller – Did Heather race this weekend?…How did Tyler’s race go?…
Caller – why doesn’t 75 Chrome Shop have much Bubba stuff anymore?…(talks like an auctioneer)
News – Wrongful death suit against Nancy Grace (CNN) will not be dismissed…
Hogan divorce depositions began today, Linda asking for $144000 per month in emergency alimony
Bubba tries to warn Spice against getting married without a prenup…
Play Manson’s “The Weakest Lizink” bit…
Caller – (Female EMT) warns Ned about leaving against medical advice…
Bubba burned $100 in gas on Saturday alone…
News – Delta will double its charge for second bags to offset fuel costs…
B-Fudd calls in…Hammil is flying him out to Cleveland first class…
Bubba calls Hammil to see why he wasting money flying B-Fudd first class…
Bubba asks B-Fudd some pop culture questions…
Is the current Olympic basketball team as good as the 1992 dream team?…
News – California puts a freeze on new fast food restaurants in poor neighborhoods…
Highlights from segment 2
Caller – what does Bubba think about the Packer fiasco?…
News – US Air to start charging customers for pillows and blankets…
News – British woman commits suicide over guilt after an abortion…
Play Manson’s “Abortion City” bit…
Caller – found pictures of Contessa Brewer’s “breedin’ hips” on the internet…
Caller – just finished watching his Bubba Raw 1 DVD…
Bubba tunes into Mel Karmazin who is speaking live on TV…
Caller – Lions Den charging $30 for the Bubba Raw DVD…
A listener (Stumpy) sent in a Bubba burial song “Watch Me Watch Meself” …the guys grade it…
Play Manson’s “Take The Diacos And Run” song…
Caller – has a conspiracy about Favre going to Tampa Bay…
News – almost $300 Million spent to find liquid flowing on the surface of Saturn’s moon…
Caller – (Ray from Chicago)likes the whole show except for the politics…
Bubba points out that this is a upper versus middle class election…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Riding Girls Bareback” song…
Will Beth O. take Howard’s last name when they get married?…
Heather’s legal name is Heather Dawn the Love Sponge Clem…
Can a guy take his wife’s name when getting married?…
News – lab tests show a 97% effective way to destroy the HIV virus…
Spice checks Bubba for any Adderall side effects…
Caller – Rick Yemm promoting the Bubba Army on Ice Road Truckers…
News – husband tries to kill his wife by applying electric current to the plumbing pipes…
Caller – do the guys screw their girls when they are on the rag?…
Bubba plays some old B96 air check tapes that someone brought him…
Bubba reminisces about getting head while at the Power Pig in Tampa…
Chip heads to the green room to get “super creepy” with Lexi Love…
Chip tries to creep her out by asking her to spread her asshole for some pictures, but nothing
seems to offend her…
Caller – talk about Mel Karmazin on Opie and Anthony show…
Jabba heads into the green room to ask Lexi Love if she would swing with him and his girlfriend…
Jabba offers to show her his lactating nipples…and asks her to suck on them…
Highlights from segment 4
Porn actress Lexi Love in studio…she specializes in anal and squirting…she has done over 300
adult films…
Lexi used to listen to Bubba on the Power Pig when she lived in Sebring, FL…
Lexi admits that she prefers anal sex on film and that she can fist herself…
Lexi shows off her asshole and puckers it up for Bubba…
The guys discuss some of the contests being held at swingerfest…
Lexi talks about the haveaniceday.biz swinger website where people could win a chance to have
sex with her …
Lexi’s handler JR knows Rob Kahn through MMA training…
Bubba and Spice are enamored with Lexi’s pelt…
Bubba tries to get Spice a date with Lexi, but he claims he has “other business”…
Lexi will do almost anything except double penetration…she claims there is no room…
Caller – needs a Bubba man law…but has a shitty story with no payoff…
Listener email – appreciated the Bubba birthday card…the Bubba Army needs a hand sign?…
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