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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 13, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Heather may race in a “powder puff” race at East Bay…
Tom the Tree Man got the shit beat out of him earlier while mud wrestling today by two 2001 girls…
The girls head into the shower to wash Tom off after the beating…and beat him some more while
In the shower…
caller – his company is sponsoring “Swingfest”…
Obama gets heckled by a few members of the crowd at his Tampa appearance…
Caller – (ex Marine) apologizes for calling Brent a jockstrap eight months ago…
Caller – requests to hear Ned’s live song from yesterday…
Ned shows up late after leaving to go to Waffle House…and he is still eating on the air…
New anti Obama ads target Obama’s race…(Obama on a dollar bill?)…
How much cash does everyone in the building have in their wallets?…
Russ comes in to talk about potential future Bubbapalooza locations…
Could we sell out a Los Angeles venue?…
The on air staff shares the contents of their wallets…
Spice is most enamored with Bubba’s Five Guys VIP card…and admits top being a wedge with
his Hooters VIP card and tipping waitresses in general…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Manson’s “Spiceboy Cribs” bit…
Spice recaps his “pussy whipped” stage…Bubba recaps some of his pussy whipped moments…
Bubba admits he asked Jenna to marry him, and recaps the time he throttled Rebecca and then got
to scampering like “O.J. Simpson”…Fabrizi had to talk Rebecca out of calling the police…
The guys role play what the conversation between Rebecca and Fabrizi may have sounded like…
Spice admits that he once informally asked Melody to marry him…
Blind Glen calls in…Five Guys burgers talk and Tampa Bay Rays talk…
Play Manson’s “Republican Idiot” song…
Bubba makes a chicken wing mandate to keep the remaining two wings for himself…
Caller – wife became a fan of the show after going to a Bubbapalooza…
Has Adderall succeeded in focusing Bubba’s anger?…Bubba calls Heather to see if she thinks
his Adderall has been working…
Bubba directs his farts toward Heather at night with a fan…
Heather ribs Bubba about how he watches himself on TV “Watch me watch me self”…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Ned’s “I Feel Like Dying” song…
Rays trade talk…
Audio – Obama responds to the McCain ads with Paris Hilton in them…
Caller – Tony Stewart signed Ryan Newman…
Caller – has Adderall helped Bubba’s appetite?…
Caller – wants to get his crazy wife some Adderall…
Listener email – offer to make a Bubba Army glass eye for Blind Glen…Bubba’s wife is beautiful…
Email – officer that poses as a 14 year old girl to bust pedophiles wears Bubba Army shirt while
apprehending perverts…
email – tried a Five Guys burger in Carson, CA…
The guys listen to some old audio of Larry King sounding drunk on his radio show…
News – women donating their eggs for extra money…
Hogan calls in about his interview on Howard Stern Show…
Hogan went to see a motivational speaker from the “Secret” book…
Hogan talks about meeting Pam Anderson at Howard’s studio…he once hid in a closet while looking
at Pam’s Playboy issue…
What would Hogan’s dream woman be like?…
Bubba tries to get Hogan to talk about another A-lister woman that had the hots for him…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Manson’s “The Cannabis Hunter” bit…
Caller – egg sperm and embryo talk…wife is a surrogate mom…
Caller – wife donates eggs for money…and she’s a cunty egg whore…
Caller – has successfully used the two finger deal and even made his woman squirt…
Rob Kahn in studio…he agrees with Brent that he couldn’t last one minute with Fedor…
Is there anyone that can beat Fedor?…
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