Month: August 2008

16 Results / Page 1 of 2


Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 World champion MMA fighter Jamie Varner in studio with (Esham) and Rob Kahn… Jamie talks about picking up some random ass at the airport…he swears that he used a condom… Jamie explains how he got into the industry…and compares the WEC to the UFC… Are there any fighters that Jamie doesn’t like?... Jamie has categories for girls in his phone contact list… Rob reminds everyone that […]

today08/29/2008 49

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bubba talks about quarter midget exhaust pipes… Bubba devises a “Hot Carl” table to make the act of a Hot Carl that much easier… Caller – doesn’t think that Spice owes Bubba any money from past bets… Does Spice come off as arrogant to everyone?...what is Spice depressed about?... Spice is getting fucked after trying to help out some of his friends…and feels that he has […]

today08/26/2008 64

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bubba spent part of the weekend rebuilding quarter midget shocks… Dollar preview of Bubba Raw starts today… Obama picks Joe Biden as his VP… Caller – when was Bubba on XM?... Caller – has an issue with the bearings on his Lincoln…sympathizes with Bubba’s shock issue… Caller – got his Bubba Raw DVD at FYE… Caller – Christpuncher asks Brent’s opinion on Joe Biden…Does McCain deserve […]

today08/25/2008 60

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bubba describes the blood alcohol testing that 25 Cent and Lummox went through this morning… Bubba explains the Phil Campbell DUI arrest that sparked the breathalyzer test… 25 and Lummox come in for another blow into the breathalyzer at their peak absorption… Tom the Tree Man has been drinking all morning too…he threatened to kick Manson’s ass… 25 Cent blows a 103…Lummox blows a 146…Tom blows […]

today08/22/2008 90

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Spice plans on going on a date with Tasha Nicole the STROBE girl… Caller – talked to a Sirius rep that claimed that Bubba would not be re-signed… Caller – (christpuncher) saw John D’bella… Caller – Israel the FTE asks about Bubba’s contract with Sirius… News – White House claims to have lost months of emails… Bubba has a difficult time saying Schwarzenegger… Bubba agrees to […]

today08/21/2008 65

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Is Spice anorexic?...He thinks he is fat…Bubba is reverse-anorexic, he thinks he looks fine… Bubba has waited 11 weeks for his equipment from Life Fitness… Bubba’s friend Denzil flies in to Tampa today…Fabrizi wants to stop by too… Caller – heard that John Kerry could be Obama’s pick for VP... Some sources are claiming that John McCain is now in the lead... Caller – did Bubba […]

today08/20/2008 64

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 The BRN is hunkering down for the upcoming storm on Tuesday… Caller – disappointed with Bubbapalooza in Cleveland… The sound at the venue was poor and the venue was old and crappy… Caller – the sound was horrible at the Agora Theater… Caller – had seating issues at the venue…and an asshole usher… Bubba calls a friend that works for FPL to get an update on […]

today08/18/2008 57

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Chip has had two deaths in his family recently (grandfather and dog)… Chip’s mom didn’t lock the gate correctly and his dog escaped and got hit by a car… Caller – saw Spice sucking Brent’s toe on… Spice was afraid to beat off for weeks after his dad died…afraid he was watching him… Bubba makes Chip look at pictures of his dog and his grandfather… […]

today08/13/2008 68

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 The guys fill in for Bubba today while he is in court… Talk about the Olympics (Team handball and Michael Phelps the human dolphin)… What do Olympic athletes do after they win a medal?...only a few of them are memorable… Caller – Michael Phelps consumes 8000 or more calories a day… Caller – talk about Olympic athletes amazing lung capacity… Caller – Michael Phelps agent claims […]

today08/12/2008 42

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bubba friend and neighbor Fabrizi stops by the studio with his new Ferrari and his wife Tina… Bubba asks Fabrizi about the Citrus Park Little League Team… How big is Fabrizi’s cock?...Fabrizi likes to show it off all the time… Caller – did Bubba hear about what happened to Artie and his rehab?... Caller – just got his Bubba Raw DVD… Caller – (Randy Burnett) gives […]

today08/11/2008 66

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