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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive|December 20th 2024|Tigs Bits Show
Bubba Exclusive |December 20th 2024|Tuddle & Kristin
Bubba Uncensored | December, 20, 2024 Bubba Army HQ
Bubba Uncensored | December, 19, 2024 Bubba Army HQ
Bubba Uncensored | December, 18, 2024 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
David Weathers in studio for Alligator Dunk Tank…
David brought five three year old gators to put in the tank…
David explains how alligators attack and shares some of his experiences with gators…
Alligator Dunk Tank with Tom the Tree Man…
David Weathers pulls on of the gators out of the tank to show Bubba up close…the gator bites
Bubba’s mic…
Tom climbs up into the tank, and Lummox and Coco take turns dunking him…
Tom breaks all records exiting the dunk tank…
Bubba demands that Tom get back into the tank multiple times until one of the gators finally
latches onto Tom…
Tom requests a paramedic and Bubba tells him no…
Spice pours alcohol on Tom’s leg…
Tim Sabean emailed Brent about the stunt before the stunt was even over…
David Weathers has been getting heat on a reptile message board for being irresponsible…
Caller – gator stunt sounded fake and contrived…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Ned And Spice Phone Sex” bit…
The fans are all speculating whether Tom really got bit or not on the BTLS fan forum…
Bubba explains that Sirius has allowed him to do certain stunts that don’t have a risk of death…
Caller – appreciates when Bubba turns the show up a notch…
Caller – glad Bubba won’t get fired over the gator stunt…
Caller – admits that he was able to sneak into the Atlantic City Meet and Greet…
News – pop music producer Scott Storch is broke…
Bubba calls Hogan to tell him about Scott Storch…Hogan says he’s in the same broke category…
Hogan says that Linda manipulated Brooke into signing papers claiming that he threatened Linda
with a gun…Linda has since taken the paperwork to the tabloids…
Caller – Bubba’s programming rocks…
Caller – how does Bubba keep employees in the building?…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Spice Spice Baby” song…
News – Rampage Jackson detained for mental evaluation…
News – three out of five FFC commissioners have agreed to the Sirius XM merger…
Opie and Anthony are losing affiliates…
Bella Donna calling out priests…wants to teach them how to jerk off…
Half Pint leaves the show today…Bubba presents him with a $100 gas card…
Spice fills out Half Pint’s intern evaluation on air…
Caller – in a fight with his wife while in the car…
Ned doesn’t want to give Half Pint a good evaluation because he doesn’t give him backrubs…
Lummox claims that Ned forces him to massage him…
Play Manson’s “Fa Q vs Macho Man” bit…
Bubba and Manson just checked out some of the video from Tom’s gator bite…
Caller – why doesn’t Bubba like Randy “Macho Man” Savage?…
Caller – why does Bubba have the staff clean the bathroom?…
Bubba talks about some of the shitty manual labor jobs he had back in the day…
Will Bubba make Tyler work when he turns 16?…
Would Brent let Spice screw Amanda in a swinger situation?…
Bubba calls Amanda to see if she will attend the swinger party at Caliente…
Ned claims that Garnet will not be attending the Bubbapalooza in Detroit because he needs space…
Who is Spice bringing to the party at Caliente?…
Bubba comes up with a “Date Spice Idol” game idea…
Highlights from segment 4
Spice plays a clip of Tek 9 rapping…he raps unbelievably fast…
Tara Clem stops by to pick up a key to the Clem gym…
Did Tara ever have sex with Bubba’s old intern Raphael?…
Tara once screwed a male dancer?…
Hogan calls back in…he mentions that Tara used to work for Linda Hogan and Linda fired her…
Hogan shares some old Port Tampa stories…
Why does Tara always sound like she is fingering herself?…
Craig the Bulldog brings Tyler to the studio…
Caller – jerked off to Tara’s voice and now has cum knuckles…
Caller – hopes things go smooth with Hogan…
Caller – will Bubba come back to Atlantic City?…
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