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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Big Dick excessively shocked the interns when they played “Shock Bubba” today…
Miller explains the rules of “Shock Bubba”…was the shocking excessive?…
Bubba sentences Miller to 9 asshole shockings and Big Dick to 5 asshole shockings and 4 head shockings…
Big Dick comes in studio with a shock collar strapped to his head, and one in his asshole…
Bubba adds extra shocks for every time that Dick says something negative…
Dick rips the collar off and walks out of the building…
Carl comes in to recap what Dick said as he walked out of the building…
Breaking news – Andy Dick gets arrested for urinating in public and assaulting a 17 year old girl…
Caller – can’t find the ringtones on the new website…
Chip comes in to try and explain why the Mo Bubba page is down…
Did Donald Trump mentioned Bubbapalooza on Howard’s show today?…
Dick comes back to the studio to get his cell phone back from Bubba…
Bubba and Dick almost come to blows when Dick tries to grab his own phone back from Bubba…
Dick grabs his phone back and leaves the studio again…this time he forgets his wallet…
Highlights from segment 2
Play Ned’s “Jerk It” song…
Was Bubba out of line when he slapped Dick?…Caller – Big Dick is a bitch…
Caller – the guys should hide the contents of Big Dick’s wallet…
Caller – can’t believe that Bubba stopped beating on Big Dick…
Big Dick texts Spice – “Fuck my wallet, I already turned off my credit cards”…
Caller – Bubba was a Dick…you shouldn’t punch your employees…
Bubba tries to defend his actions…he warned Big Dick to stay away from him…
Caller – Bubba would have done the same thing that Dick did if someone stole his phone…
Property west of the “H” in the word Hollywood is offered for sale at $22 Million…
Caller – sides with Big Dick…Bubba assaulted an employee…
Caller – also sides with Big Dick…would have taken Bubba down and mopped the floor with him…
Caller – Bubba should send Dick on a scavenger hunt for his wallet…
Caller – Bubba should have smashed Big Dick years ago…he’s an asshole…
Caller – Bubba shouldn’t have fucked with Big Dick’s property…
Manson claims that he could have stopped the fight…
Play Ned’s “You’re A Mean One Mr. Clem” song…
The Blind Olympics with Blind Glen Lawrence and James begins…the guys head outside to
compete in the Blind Obstacle Course…
Bubba tortures the blind guys with his air horn…
The obstacle course consists of a bunch of office chairs, a limbo pole and a bunch of mousetraps…
Blind James wins the race…can he partially see?…
Bubba has Tom the Tree man walk through the mouse trap section of the course barefoot…
caller – thinks that Big Dick was antagonizing Bubba earlier…
Highlights from segment 3
Play Manson’s “Linda Hogan Gold Digger” song…
Bubba calls Billy the owner of Thee Dollhouse to set up a night out for the blind guys…
Billy expects some premium talent in his club for the Super Bowl…
The blind guys come into the studio for the second portion of the Blind Olympics (portrait painting)
Blind James paints the most realistic picture of Bubba…his 32 years of sight giving him a distinct
edge on the first two contests…
The Blind Olympics with Blind Glen Lawrence and James (continued)…
The blind guys attempt to shave 25 Cent, Tom the Tree Man and Pantera…
James takes the lead again and cleanly shaves 25’s face with minimal blood…
Bubba apologizes for the comments he made to an FTE earlier…
Bubba blasts the air horn while the blind guys are shaving…and James nicks 25’s lip…
Bubba has Blind Glen complete 25’s shaving…
Tom actually ends up looking better after his blind shaving…
The guys rip apart 25’s appearance…
Blind James isn’t happy that Bubba thinks he can see…he explains how difficult it was to lose
his sight and what he has done to make himself independent…
Would the guys rather be blind or deaf?…
Highlights from segment 4
Blind James brought Bubba some Apple Pie Moonshine that his brother made…
The guys do a “double blind” taste test of both James’ and Bubba’s moonshine…
Caller – (Wendy the Plumber) loved Bubbapalooza… “there were wet panties everywhere”…
Wendy claims that 25 Cent came back to her hotel room but all she did was hug on him…
Email – Brent and Amanda missed out on a great mix in while in Atlantic City…
Bubba calls Joel, the guy who wanted to mix in with Brent and Amanda…
Joel describes the beating that Tom the Tree Man got on stage in Atlantic City…
Play Ned’s “Truck Nuts” call…
Caller – Bubba did the right thing today with Big Dick…
Caller – tries to reason why Bubba did the right thing earlier…
Caller – Big Dick deserved an ass whipping today…
Caller – requests to hear a “death song” about each of the guys on the show…
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