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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 13, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
Ned smells like death today…
Julie (Joe the Super Mark’s girlfriend) calls in…Joe is threatening to leave Julie for other girls…
Julie doesn’t seem like she is planning on leaving Joe, so Bubba disowns her too…
Talk about the Christy Brinkley divorce trial…
Why is Bubba the only one that has been on the new BTLS.com forum?…
Caller – his 14 year old daughter walked in on him and his wife pumping…
How many abortions has Spice had?…
Bubba reminds Spice how expensive it would have been if Spice had raised the fetuses he aborted
Caller – (female) hopes that Bubba stays safe…
Caller – (Heidi) Spice needs to wash his pussy (referencing Spice’s blog about Melody)…
Spice got a voicemail from Aubrey Huff…Aubrey wants the Bubba Army to vote Orioles into
the All Star game…the voting on MLB.com ends tonight…
Talk about the cost of Sponsoring a NASCAR hood…top cars cost $25 Million…
Caller – can’t get the two finger deal to work right…
News audio – Boy George forced to cancel his tour after being denied his visa…
Highlights from segment 2
News audio – Boy George forced to cancel his tour after being denied his visa…
Audio – woman gives birth at work…
Bubba proposes that we have an “umbilical cord” jerky stunt…
Caller – (Alicia) does Ultimate Stripper Cage Fighting in Phoenix…
Caller – Bret Favre is considering a come back?…(Al Harris on ESPN)…
How did Bubba get away with giving women oral live on terrestrial radio back in the day?…
Bubba has eaten out five women in the studio before…and Alisha Klass once fisted her own ass…
The guys analyze the Alisha Klass fisting audio…
Bubba plays a clip of it and wonders why he talked much faster back in the day…
The guys role play what the Clear Channel management used to sound like back in the day…
Caller – Rush Limbaugh signs a four hundred million dollar deal…
Ned wants to find out who Rush’s agent is…
Play Manson’s “Rush Limbaugh’s High” song…
Roger NT is bringing a bunch of females to AC Bubbapalooza…
Hogan calls in…what is Bubba doing on the Fourth of July?…Is Bubba swerving Hogan?…
Hogan says he is the biggest jobber going right now…
Hogan gets a kick out of Ned’s parody of the Linda Hogan 911 call…
Highlights from segment 3
Caller – (female) shot out her placenta after giving birth…
Would Aubrey donate his wife’s placenta to the show?…
News – skinny dippers threaten a town’s drinking water supply…
News – Tampa Bay Lightning picking up a lot of good talent…
Caller – named her freakish red horse “Nedly Mandingo”…it has a pink wiener with a black cap…
News article – “Man Showers” becoming popular before weddings…
Why did Heather try to blow Hogan off?…She told him Bubba was going to be on a boat on the 4th…
Caller – knows the new Tampa Bay Lightning owner…
Why can’t Bubbapalooza go to Canada?…has Brent been squashing the trip?…
Caller – had a man shower and called it a “tool time party”…
B-Fudd calls in…he is getting ready for the AC Bubbapalooza…B-Fudd is concerned that he still hasn’t gotten laid after a Bubbapalooza…does B-Fudd have any game or is he just a retard?…
B-Fudd Ned and Bubba take turns running game on Debbie (Spice)…
If you give a girl money to gamble with and she wins, do you ask for the money back?…
B-Fudd can say “Jeff Gooch Patterson”…(Jeff Goof Patching)…
Bubba explains what the “gas can jobber” does during a pit stop…
Highlights from segment 4
DJ Dave calls in to tell another Tom the Tree Man name dropping story…Tom told the bartender
at the Dollhouse that he “drinks on Bubba’s tab…
Bubba may have Craig the Bulldog beat Tom up for being an idiot…
Spice gets Tom on the phone to hear what his excuse is…he claims he paid for his drinks…
Bubba gets Eddie the Bartender on the phone for the rest of the story…Eddie claims that Tom
refused to pay for his drinks because he was from the BTLS show…
Ned decides there must be a Tom the Tree Man impersonator running around town…
Heather calls in to clear up the boat trip on the 4th of July confusion…
Play Ned’s “Tom The Tree Man “ song…
Caller – lives in Bret Favre’s town…says that he’s a great guy…
Bubba is pissed over the Tom the Tree Man deal…he wishes that Tom would just admit that he fucked up…
Bubba calls Craig to get his opinion on the Tree Man bar tab deal…
callers – weigh in on the Tom the Tree Man bar tab subject…
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