Month: June 2008

14 Results / Page 2 of 2


Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Manson’s kids slept till 1:30pm so he made them breakfast today between shows… Bubba wants to boycott Tyler’s preschool graduation… Nintendo Wii talk… Caller – Did Bubba watch Tony race in the Prelude at El Dora?... Tony wrote out a check for one million dollars to Kyle Petty charity after the race… Dale Jr. didn’t participate in the race last night…Bubba says he’s a hack… Caller […]

today06/05/2008 59

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Bubba credits the show “Rad Girls” for the Pubic Hair Burrito idea… Caller – saw Brutus the Beefcake in a dive bar outside of Philly… Bubba calls Brutus (Eddie) him to see if the caller was accurate…turns out that he wasn’t… Caller – (Christpuncher) begs for Bubba to not play Soulja Boy song again… Caller – what should be in his rattler if he plans on […]

today06/04/2008 39

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Spice says that Leticia Cline has not called him back since yesterday… Bubba marks out to Eric and Pate (DWT)... Bubba took Tyler back to the doctor today… Brooke Bennet came by today to work on Spice’s diet routine… Amanda comes home tonight…will Brent try to get a pumping in?... Bubba explains how he got the Evel Knievel tape from a woman that dated Evel… Bubba […]

today06/03/2008 63

Sirius XM (2006-2010)


Highlights from segment 1 Tim Sabean and Howard think that Bubba and Brent are being conspiracy nut jobs… Caller – has been prank calling Lasker…Bubba asks him not to… Bubba leaves a message for Leticia Cline…says that Spice thinks she’s a bitch… Audio – Obama leaves his church… Caller – Elite XC was fixed… Caller – Robin and Howard were talking about the Nick Hogan tapes this morning… Bubba comments […]

today06/02/2008 64

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