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The BTLS Show ™ Replay
Bubba Army Radio™ Only @ HQ
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Loner & Stoner
Bubba Exclusive | March 12th |Seth, Lummy & Rhett
The BTLS Show | March, 12, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 11, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
The BTLS Show | March, 10, 2025 Bubba Army HQ
Sirius XM (2006-2010)
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Highlights from segment 1
The guys all disagree with Bubba…they feel that the year has dragged on so far…
Talk about the death of NHRA driver Scott Kallita…
Bubba recalls driving a monster truck
Caller – claimed to be with the BTLS show while at Infineon Speedway and claims it scored him
some hot ass…
Hogan called into the morning show today and talked about the divorce and Linda’s 911 call…
Bubba plans on playing the audio off of the TMZ website…
Talk about the History of Howard series that is running on Howard 100…
Who will win the BRN hot dog eating contest?…(interns will be competing)…
Caller – will Tony be going back to Chevy?…25 Cent spent some time with Angie Fox from the Caliente nudist resort…The guys enjoyed Blind Glen’s visit…
Bubba is disgusted with what he feels is a “gut” on Contessa Brewer…
Caller – Bubba is as much of an innovator as Howard is…
Joe Lieberman claims that America will likely face a terrorist attack in 2009…
News – oil prices reach all time high…are we being extorted?…
Caller – his girlfriend was banging his cousin and may have gotten herpes from her…
Bubba has begun to write material for the next Bubbapalooza…
Roger (Ned’s Testicles) is trying to set Brent up with a hot black Pilates instructor…
Bubba calls Roger for more details on the black girl…Roger is also trying to get the VA MILF
to come to the Atlantic City Bubbapalooza so it isn’t a “sausage fest”…
Highlights from segment 2
Bubba plays an exclusive call from Hogan where he talks about the divorce and the Linda Hogan
911 call…
Caller – (Pam) her husband (Joe) who was a huge Bubba fan died yesterday…Bubba offers to
hook Pam up with a rebound date for Bubbapalooza…Ned may even be interested in Pam…
Pam agrees to let the guys sprinkle Joe’s ashes on any hot tits that come into the studio…
Caller – (female) Tony Stewart got robbed in the last race…
Caller – has Bubba ever heard of a “boobgasm”?…
Caller – (Jessica) the black girl may want to hook up with Brent and Amanda in AC…she was
hooked on meth at one time…and she has tried crack before…
Bubba addresses Nancy Grace’s questioning of the Graziano tapes legitimacy…
Bubba plays a voicemail from Ed Graziano that confirms the validity of the Frank Caruso tapes…
Highlights from segment 3
Bubba calls Julie (Joe the Super Mark’s) girlfriend for an update…she is leaving July 30th…but is
Still having sex with Joe…
Julie says that Joe is still listening to the show even though Bubba banned him…and Joe is all
pilled up and even needs pills to sleep…
Caller – (Kim) wants to bring her boyfriend to a gay pride parade…
Caller – recommends some new BTLS merch items…
Bubba steals food from the guys during the break…he even stole from the jobber refrigerator…
Caller – got meet and greet tickets to the Clevelandpalooza and offers to take Julie…
Caller – looking for a date to Bubbapalooza…Bubba hangs up on him…
Bubba calls Roger back…apparently the black meth girl wants to hook up with him not Brent…
News – Appeals Court Upholds FCC Franchise Rule…
Caller – heard another radio host discussing the two finger deal on their show…
News – a teen gets decapitated after disobeying safety signs at a Six Flags…
Highlights from segment 4
Play Ned’s “Muslim Three Little Pigs” call…
What ever happened to Aldo Nova?…How many “Slippery When Wet” albums were sold?…
Imus back in the news for more racist comments about Adam “Pacman” Jones…
Play Manson’s “Don Imus Nappy Hos” song….
Joe the Super mark’s mom Karen calls in…she is concerned about Joe and asks Bubba to talk to
Joe…then she attempts to talk trash about Julie…Spice tells Karen not to try an discredit Julie’s
character, and Bubba hangs up on her…
Caller – talks about the Sirius and XM merger…how will the two companies combine frequencies?..
A cougar is offering herself up on Craig’s List for half a million…would Spice be interested?…
Brief talk about the “Mini Me” sex tape…
Somehow there are still a few meet and greets available on Ticket Master for Clevelandpalooza…
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